Great impetus has been given the cause of education in the city of Baltimore
by the award of higher salaries to our faithful teachers. The slight discrimina-
tions in the salaries of women teachers and in the salaries of colored teachers of
the secondary schools should, and in all probability will he speedily removed.
The other spur to progress was the well-planned and splendidly executed survey
of the schools under the direction of Dr. Strayer, of Columbia University. All
phases of school keeping from the physical condition of school plant and its
surroundings to the general administration were investigated. The effects or
results of education upon the community and in the lives of the children were
likewise carefully considered.
The main features of the survey recommendations have been given to the
public from time to time. Of greatest interest to us perhaps is the recom-
mendations for better buildings, for a new senior-junior high school, for the uni-
fication of the colored schools under a colored supervisor. The findings of the
survey also suggests the need of better trained teachers, of greater professional
growth of teachers in service and of hearty support of the entire population.
The people must back up the schools. The citizens must join hands in their effort
to help our schools make progress.
Let us all get behind the school, the School Board, the Superintendent, the
principals, the teachers, that our schools may render efficient work in the educa-
tion of our children. Let us build up.
Morgan College is rightfully coming into its own. With the financial sup-
port from the city administration and larger enrollment of city teachers at sum-
mer sessions and in winter extension courses. Morgan College should command
the services of a highly capable faculty, thorough school men and women.
The selection of Dr. Cameron, principal of the Teachers' Training School
for Whites, as director of the Summer School, may be considered a good tem-
porary beginning.
We could not go to press without making favorable comment upon the com-
munity journal of Benjamin Banneker School, edited and originated by Prof.
Joshua E. Maxwell, principal of No. 113 Night School and member of the faculty
of the local High School.
This little journal is becoming very popular and is informing the parents
through its pages of the literary accomplishments of their children.
The "Lesson Plan for Graded Sunday Schools" in the A. M. E. Church,
written by Mrs. Hannah E. Frey, is an excellent work, which will serve to instill
the principles of religion in our boys and girls.
No publication dealing with the progress of colored people in this country
would be complete, in the fullest sense, without expressing a word of genuine
appreciation to the many white men and women throughout the entire country
who have contributed so largely to our civic, material and spiritual advancement.
Dotted everywhere, in flesh and blood, in stone and mortar and noble achieve-
ment, is the concrete evidence of the spirit that has reached out the helping hand
of justice and brotherhood.
We are apt, now and then, to fail to see that despite the conflicting forces of
right and wrong, we have a vast throng of uncompromising white friends; we are
apt, I say, to fail to appreciate their material help—their sacrifice in blood and
their manly and womanly championing of our cause of humanity.
Whenever in this country an institution of learning lifts the torch of knowl-
edge; wherever a Y. M. or Y. W. C. A., hospital, or other agency of mercy and
social welfare exists—in nine cases out of ten they have had the material and
moral aid of big-hearted white men and women. When we review the fate of
the races of men in past history and think what might have been, and when we
are struck with the wonderful progress revealed by the pages of this book, our
sense reflection becomes more intense.
Lest we forget, then, let us here and now dedicate this space to a heartfelt
and genuine appreciation of our white friends' attitude towards Negro Advance-
ment, without whose valuable aid it never, never could have been achieved.