PastorSharp Street Memorial Church.
Church Record See Page 74
Organizer and secretary of the
Twelfth Ward Republican Club, P. C.
C. K. of P. No. 4, Chairman of the
Welfare Committee of the Maryland
Association for Colored Blind, Alumnus
of Howard High School and Allen
University, Columbia, S. C. An active
political and civic community worker,
son of the late Rev. Louis A. Clay,
D.D., of the South Carolina Confer-
Biography of the Life of Rev. Reuben
Hanson Armstrong, D.D.
Rev. Reuben Hanson Armstrong, D.D.,
was born Drumore township, Lancaster
County, Pa., November 28, 1854. Edu-
cated in the public schools and Lincoln
University, Chester Co., Pa., graduating
from the Collegiate Department in 1877
and from the Seminary in 1880. He has
served in the following fields: Lynchburg,
Va., 1880-1881, acting at the same time as
principal of the Graded School of Liberty,
Va. Louisburg, N. C., 1881-1885, prin-
cipal of parochial and public schools dur-
ing the same period. Wilmington, N. C.,
1885-1886, teacher also of the parochial
schools. Harrisburg, Pa., October 1886 to
October 1898, pastor of Capitol Street
Presbyterian Church and recorder of
Deeds for one year during this period.
Baltimore, Md., pastor of Madison Street
Presbyterian Church October 1898 to
August 1004 ;November 1904 to November
1906, assistant to Rev. Matthew Anderson,
D.D., of Berean Presbyterian Church, in
the same period gathering together a mis-
sion at Germantown, Pa., 1906 to 1920.
Started supply first of the Peoples' Mis-
sion and Pastor of Faith Presbyterian
Church from the organization of the Mis-
sion into a Church October 1, 1914. The
members and friends of Faith Presbyte-
rian Church have been faithful in securing
a lot worth $4,000.00 and will complete
paying for it before the end of this fiscal
year. They then intend to build a church
which the present pastor hopes may be the
climax of his service as a minister of the
Gospel. This cut and brief biography
appear in this Business Directory at the
request of the author. Out of his greatful
remembrance of the fact that during the
pastorate at Madison Street Church he
was led to Christ and united with the