Executive Secretary of the Druid
Hilt Avenue Branch Young Men's
Christian Association. A graduate of
Virginia University Y. M. C. A. Sum-
mer School. He is a member of the
K. of P. and the Masonic Orders, Gen-
eral Treasurer of Alpha Phi Alpha
Fraternity, member of faculty of Y. M.
C. A. Summer School, Superintendent
of Union Baptist Sunday School. Sec-
retary of Ministeral Alliance and fur-
thermore, he has been connected with
every progressive movement in Balti-
more. He was chairman of the
United War Work Campaign when
more than $70,000.00 was pledged in
ten days. His work in the Y. M. C. A.
has been phenominal—Five years ago
he started with 96 members, now 1575.
then a. mortgaged house, valueed at
13.500.00 now, a modern building
valued at $135,000.00. then a one
man's work, now a building that re-
quires ten or more men, then a build-
ing with an average daily attendance
of 25 peple, now an average daily at-
tendance of 1,800 people, then an an-
nual budget of $2,000.00, now an an-
nual budget of $l8,000.00. Baltimore's
"Big Brother."
Mr. Clay is a son of Rev. Louis A.
CJay, D. D., of Columbia, S. C.. who
was a Presiding Elder of the South
Carolina Conference. Young Clay re-
ceived his early education at Howard
High School, also attended Allen Uni-
versity. Columbia. S. C., is an active
political worker of the Twelfth Ward
and is doing everything in his power
to bring about good conditions among
his people.
One of the new teachers of the Bal-
timore Colored High School is Miss
Mary M. Gibson, daughter of Mrs.
Mollie Syphax Gibson and the late
Malachi Gibson, who practised law in
Baltimore some yeans ago. and grand-
daughter of the late William Syphax
of Washington.
Miss Gibson is an honor graduate
of the M Street High School, Washing-
ton, D. C., and received the A. E. de-
gree with honors from Radcliffe Col-
lege in June. 1918. For the Past yea.r
she has been teaching French and
Latin in our local High School. She
was also selected to instruct a. class of
teachers in the Normal Extension
Course in French, which proved to be
very popular and successful.
Baltimore is very proud to have
Miss Gibson as one of its High School
Faculty, and hopes that we shall be
able to retain her in our school system.
Mr. George H. Siddons. one of Bal-
timre's most respected citizens is prob-
ably the oldest colored florist not only
in Baltimore, but in the United States.
He is active in church, secret and
social orders. To Mr. William Har-
rod, who has been a confidential clerk
to Mr. Siddons for 29 years we owe
some of his success in business, and
certainly there is credit due to such a
faithful employee.