The life of Mr. John W. Lewis, the subject of the present
sketch, perhaps illustrates better than any long praise of him
could possibly do, what rugged character, strong common sense,
unyielding faith and consistent industry can do to overcome the
handicap of the lack of early opportunities.
Mr. Lewis was born in Caroline county, Virginia, in 1868. His
opportunity for formal schooling was extremely limited, the sum
total of such training being about three months. In 1894, when
he was twenty-four years of age. he came to Washington a tramp
with Coxey's Army, secured a job as a hod carrier, at which work
he was employed for the next fifteen years.
Being possessed of the elements of leadership, Mr. Lewis organ-
ized, in 1907, The Laborers' Mercantile Realty Company. This
was successful, and soon the public came to realize the true worth
of the man, who had come to make Washington his home. Not
satisfied with this enterprise, however, he organized, in 1913, The
Industrial Savings Bank, an institution which now has three thous-
and depositors, with savings amounting to $137, 682. 25.
The whole community now appreciates Mr. Lewis as an enter-
prising, public spirited, progressive citizen, who reflects credit both
on himself and the community in which he lives.