While Mr. Taylor's business as caterer will of necessity be hard
hit by the war, he is as busy as ever, serving in the following ca-
pacities, viz.: By appointment of the President one of Maryland's
Four-minute Men; by commission of the Governor, a member of
the original twenty-five colored members of the Council of De-
fence; by appointment of the Mayor, manager of the House of
Reformation and Instruction for Colored Boys, to represent the
city. He is also head of the Red Cross for the State, a member of
the War Savings Committee for Baltimore City, a member of the
Recreation Committee of the Soldiers' Committee on Camp Ac-
tivities, and one of the committee of three of the League for Na-
tional Defence, having charge of the Draftees' Drills, fitting out
men for non-commissioned posts when they go to camp. These
are all we remember now, except the chairmanship of the executive
committee of the Alumni of the Colored High School.