Miss M. Edyth Cooper is a creditable
product of the Baltimore schools. After
service as a teacher in the grades, she
was one of the few practice teachers ap-
pointed soon after the organization of
the Colored Teachers' Training School.
Later she became associated with Miss
L. Cook in the supervision of the prac-
tice work and at present has charge of
this department.
Miss Cooper has been identified with
the Whatcoat-Epworth Methodist Epis-
copal Church since childhood and has
served as organist, president of the Ep-
worth League, steward and superinten-
dent of the Sunday-school. She is now
president of the Epworth Leagues of the
Washington Conference and chairman of
the educational work of the Colored
Women's Christian Association. Miss
Cooper has the signal honor of being
the first woman to be sent as a delegate
to the General Conference of the Meth-
odist Episcopal Church from the Wash-
ington Annual Conference. Her influ-
ence among educational and religious
circles is widespread and inspiring.
Miss Emma E. Bright is a product of
the Colored High School of Baltimore
and a young woman of studious habits
and dignified demeanor. Since her gradu-
ation from the local High School she has
completed a course in domestic science
and passed the city examination for the
same. She also was one of the few col-
ored teachers who passed the Baldwin
examination in psychology given in this
city some years ago. Miss Bright has
taken courses at Hampton, University of
Pennsylvania and Wilberforce, besides
having done much work in private
classes. She is at present instructor of
the ungraded class at Public School 109.
In the Young Women's Christian Asso-
ciation of this city Miss Bright is a
central figure, having been its faithful
secretary for a number of years. Her
quiet humor, sympathetic attitude and
refined personality serve to inspire,
quicken and guide the lives and des-
tinies of many of the young women with
whom she has been associated in the
work of the Y. W. C. A. Miss Bright
represented the Baltimore Association at
the conference of workers held in Rich-
mond, Va., December 6-10, 1916.
Mr. Callis is an instructor in the Col-
ored High School and has been identified
with most of the uplifting movements
among the colored people of this city.
Among the more prominent offices held
are president of the Alumni Associa-
tion; president of Y. M. C. A., and Ex-
ecutive Chairman of the $25,000 cam-
paign for new Y. M. C. A. At present
he seems particularly interested in the
work of Provident Hospital and the Pub-
lic Health Association, holding secre-
tarial positions with both. He is a mem-
ber of Madison Street Presbyterian
Church and active in its work.