Pastor Ebenezer A. M. E. Church,
Baritone Soloist and Musical Director.
Ebenezer is now pastored by that energetic scholar, the prac-
tical preacher, and a man with a Gospel message, the Rev. Charles E.
Stewart. Ebenezer, since his pastorate, has taken on new life along
the lines of general activity and people from ail parts of the city
come to hear him. He is popular with the members of his church
and with the community, and is growing in prestige and influence in
our civil life. Dr. Stewart is also a noted musician, arranger of
music and a singer of repute, having a rich, pleasing; baritone voice
that always charms his hearers. He is a great organizer and has so
arranged matters by his ability to maneuver that the church is organ-
ized along lines of general activity as never before.