E. B. Taylor is one of Baltimore's busiest men. young or
old. If there were nothing else to be said in favor of him,
the fact that he is one of the greatest solvers of the negro
problem, in that by his efforts he supplies labor for hundreds
of our race each year, paying to them many tens of thousands
of dollars in wages, would be a lasting monument to his fame.
Unselfish to an infinite degree, he devotes hours despite his
great and many interests, to charitable work, unostentatiously
and without expecting, or in most cases receiving gratitude.
He is fearless in expressing his opinions, and ''we love him
for the enemies he has made."
Members of the Graduate Nurses' Association.
Mrs. Annie Simms Johnson. President. 2212 Dr. Hill AV.
Miss Anabel Wilson, Vice-President, 413 W. Biddle St,
Mrs. Cornelia Moor Weaver, Rec. See., 1233 Dr. Hill AV.
Miss Beatrice Nicholas. Cor. Sec., 2128 Druid Hill Ave
Miss Sarah B. Brooks, Treasurer, 522 W. Lanvale St.
Miss Anna M. Barnes, Reporter, 509 W. Hoffman St.
Mrs. Florence R. Bennett, 206 Dolphin St.
Miss Clara A. Dorsey, 2225 Druid Hill Ave.
Mrs. Estelle A. Tilghman, 2013 Druid Hill Ave.
Miss Emma C. Brown, 108 W. Montgomery St.
Miss Mamie Perkins, Division St.
Miss May Irene Price. 1216 Argyle Ave.