Harry S. Cummings was born in Baltimore May 19, 1866,
Attended the public schools of Baltimore; graduated with
honor from Lincoln University, Va., in 1886; graduated
from Law Department of University of Maryland in 1889.
Has been practicing law in Baltimore since June. 1889.
Elected First Branch City Council November. 1890; re-
elected in 1891. 1896, 1897 and 1911. Elected as delegate
to Republican National Convention at Minneapolis in 1892.
and at Chicago in 1904. when he was selected by President
Roosevelt to second his nomination on behalf of the colored
people. Has been a member at the board of managers at
Colored House of Reformation for Colored Boys for 10
years. being appointed by both Democrat and Republican
mayors. Has been foremost for more than 25 years in the
educational business and moral uplift of his people. He is
still actively engaged in a large law practice and is also a
member of the First Branch City Council.
Neighborhood Improvement League.
President—Mrs. F. J. Wheatley. 1230 Druid Hill Ave.
Vice-President—Mrs. J. IL Harvey, 1214 Druid Hill Av.
Secretary—Miss Edith Cooper. 1216 Druid Hill Ave.
Treasurer—Mrs. H. C. Smith, 1200 Druid Hill Ave.
The Afro-American Civic League of the 17th Ward.
President—Dr. Edw. J. Wheatley. 1230 Druid Hill Ave.
Secretary—David T. Harrod. 1109 Etting Street.
ALLEN GRIFFITH, Waiter and Caterer.