The Firemen's Insurance Company
Continues to insure Dwelling Houses, Warehouses, Mer-
chandize, Household Furniture, Ships in Port, their Car-
goes, and other descriptions of property generally against
loss or damage by Fire— but are not permitted by
the charter to insure out of the new limits of the city.
From the. peculiar construction and material of this
Association, founded as it is known to be, on the best in-
terests, and supported hy the surest guarantees, backed
by ample capital, and promising a safe and cheap pro-
tection—it lias received an extensive patronage.
For forms of application, and any other informa-
tion on the subject, plense apply at the Company's Of-
fice, corner of South and Second Streets.
Directors from the
New Market Company
Jacob Smith
John H. Ehlen
Liberty "
Charles M. Keyser
Lot Ensey
United "
Frederick Sevier
John Hines
Union "
George Valliant
Nathan Tyson
Washington "
Jesse Hunt
Jacob Albert
First Baltimore "
William E. George
Samuel Keerl
Patapsco "
J. I. Cohen, Jr.
James L. Hawkins
Mechanical "
George Rogers
William G. Jones
Friendship "
Benj. C. Ross
Charles Diffenderfer
Independent "
Samuel Wilson
Hugh Bolton
Vigilant "
J. Diffenderfer
Benjamin Buck
Deptford "
Thomas P. Stran
D. R. Wilson
Columbian "
James B. Stansbury
Samuel Wilson
Franklin "
John P. Stroble
J. J. Beaman
Howard " .
Peter Sauerwein; Jr.
TH. G. RUTTER, Secretary.