Baltimore Museum
Gallery of the Fine Arts,
In the large building expressly erected for its exhibition
at the
Corner of Calvert & Baltimore-Sts.
Near the City Hotel and Battle Monument.
This Museum was incorporated by an Act of the Le-
gislature of Maryland in 1816, and is one of the largest in
the United States. It has lately become the property of
a gentleman from New-York, who purposes to devote
the whole of his time and means towards improving and
embellishing it in the most perfect manner. Larje au-
ditions have lately been made to it, among which may be
named, the
Cameleopard, or Giraffe,
The only one in this country;—the ARGUS PHEA-
SANT—a number of BIRDS of splendid plumage from
South America and the East Indies—a large and full
collection of marine and land SHELLS—a large number
of beautiful INSECTS—many FINE PAINTINGS by
approved masters—and a large variety of INDIAN
AR TICLES of great interest. The GREAT SKELE-
TON OF THE MAMMOTH is now finely situated
lor examination.
The COSMORAMIC VIEWS have been selected
with much care and will be found rery interesting.—
They will be frequently changed.
The PROMENADE on the roof of the building, from
its Great elevation, affords a beautiful panoramic view of
the city of Baltimore, the adjacent country, and a portion
of Chesapeake Bav.
largest and best constructed in the city,) will be held fre-
quently. Courses of Lectures in Chemistry and Natural
Philosophy will also be given by professors.
Music every evening. Open every day, and illuminat-
ed in the evening- by numerous gas lights, when exhibi-
tions of various kinds will be given in the Saloon.
ADMITTANCE, at all times, 25 cents, Children half price.
On extraordinary exhibitions, when expenses arc pro-
portionably increased, the price of Admittance will be 50