Director for 1835 ELL
Elderkin W. G. 29 N Gay street
Elderkin John, woollen manufactory, Hillen st E of East
Elditch mrs. 8 Monument street
Eli Israel, baker, Orleans st 5 doors E of Spring
Eliason Erick, furniture store, 64 N Howard st
Ellender Frederick; plaisterer, Orleans st E of Forrest
Ellender Wm. 176 N Gay st
EllerygEppes, jeweller and gold and silver spectacle maker,
cor Fayette and M'Clellan sts dw Fayette st w of Pine
Ellicott E. & P. iron warehouse, corner Pratt and Light sts
dw Pratt st between Sharp and Howard
Ellicott Andrew, merchant, 73 Sharp st
Ellicott Andrew, President Baltimore Chemical manufacturing
Co. 4 & 5 Ellicott st and on Light
Ellicott Evan T. & co. manufacturers of boiler and sheet iron
7 &, 8 Ellicott st and on Light st
Ellicott A. & J. 4 Ellicott st [Charles
Ellicott Samuel jr. firm Alex. Falls & co. dw Saratoga st near
Ellicott Jonathan & sons, flour merchants, and manufacturers
of iron pipes and castings, s end of Patterson st
Ellicott Thomas, 19 Sharp st
Ellicott Andrew, 73 s Sharp st
Elliott John J, shoe store, 064 Centre Market space
Elliott John H.painler,67 Smith's wf. dw Granby st near Canal
Elliott Samuel, jr. Saratoga st near Charles
Elliott Nicholas, grocer, Water st near Caroline
Elliott mrs Mary, Sterling st N of Monument
Elliott mrs Jemimah, Pratt st 2d door E of President
Elliott Wm. sen. carter, 26 Sterling st
Elliott John H. painter, Granby st w of Harford run
Elliott John, teacher of music, Forest st N of Madison
Elliott Wm. shoemaker, Orleans st N side w of Aisquith
Elliott ———- meal seller, corner Forest and Ensor sts
Elliott James, grocery, Penn av w of Ross st
Elliott mrs Elizabeth, 129 Ensor st
Elliott George, cordwainer, Saratoga st w of Schroeder
Elliott Jackson, shoemaker, Ensor st s w of Monument
Elliott James, plaisterer, Rock st s of Saratoga
Elliott George, carpenter, Madison st 3 doors w of Howard
Elliott Margaret, Chesnut alley w of Pearl st
Elliott Thomas, proprietor livery stables, Fayette st E of Pine
Elliott Thomas, cordwainer, Amity st N of Baltimore
+Elliott Robert, waiter, Eutaw st opposite Barre
+Elliott Samuel, porter, Baltimore st w of Pearl
Ellis Wm. mahogany sawyer, Plowman st
Ellis Thomas, collector, corner High and Stiles sts
Ellis John, grocer, Penn av extended
Ellis Benjamin, Spring st N of Wilk
Ellis Jesse, coach lamp maker, 5 German st
Ellison Samuel, coppersmith, Granby st w of the run