Director for 1835 EDW
Earnest, Cowles & Co.China mts 25 & 29 s Calvert st. stone
ware pottery, Wilk st E of Washington, dw G. E. 9
Waterloo row
Earnest Geo. jr. attorney at law, 9 Waterloo row n Calvert st
Easby Thomas, boat builder. Wolf st n of Thames
Easter John of John, dry goods mt. 26 Centre Market space,
dw Pratt st s side between High and Exeter sts
Easter Hamilton, dry goods mt. 47 Baltimore st
Easter John, grocer, cor Jackson and Canal sts
Easter John, dry goods mt. 39 Baltimore street
Eastern Savings Institution, s E cor North and Fayette sts. J
S. Gittings president, J. Pinkney vice president
Eastman J. S. Agricultural implements & seed store, 36 Pratt
street, dw Barre st betw Hanover and Sharp
Eastman and Whitington com. mts. 85 Bowly's wharf
Easton mrs Ruth, Water street n side E of Exeter
Ebau Sanfear, Liberty alley s of Madison st
Ebbert Ann, mantua maker, 90 Park street
Ebbet Columbus, locksmith, 74 Camden street
Ebbs Edward S. teacher, Camden st betw Charles & Hanover
Ebbsworth Maria, 84 Baltimore street
Ebden William, stone mason, 148 n Eutaw street
Eccleston Samuel, archbishop,of Catholic church, Baltimore
dw n w cor Charles and Baltimore streets
Eccleston mrs Rebecca, Bond st s of Water
Eccord mrs Mary, Lancaster st w of Ann
Eckerdt Henry, baker, Camden st (rear) near Sharp st
Eckle mrs Mary, cor Exeter, and Hillen sts
Eden Williams victualler, Light st near West
Eden Alexander, victualler, Light street near Austin
Edes Mary A. Light street opposite Mercer
Edie Isabella, tutoress, 268 N Howard street
Egan Andrew, firm do. dw Saratoga st betw Paca and Green
Egenton &, Morris, French bur millstone and Piaster Paris
manufacturers, w Falls avenue near Pratt st bridge, &
corner of Paca & Saratoga sts n of Lexington market
Edmondson Thomas, Franklin st extended
Egenton J. B. lottery and exchange office, SE cor South and
Water sts. dw Salisbury st E of High
Egleston Joseph, carpenter, Pine st w side s of Mulberry
Egleston Benjamin, house joiner, Mulberry st between Pearl
Edmonds Richard, sawyer, French st E of Potter [and Pine
Edmondson Eli, upholsterer, cor Cove and Franklin sts
Edmondson John, corner Light and Hamburg sts
Edmondson Capt. Moses, Charles st near Montgomery
Edmondson Thomas, Franklin st w of Unitarian church
Edrington Doctor Edmund G. 16 Fayette st near St. Paul
Edwards Richard, sea captain, Wolf, st s of Wilk
Edwards Henry, cabinet maker, 80 Harrison street
Edwards Henry, seaman, 92 Market street