Director for 1835 DAR
Cushing Joseph jr. dw 82 N Liberty street
Cushing Joseph, dw Pratt st 4 doors w of Howard
Cushing Dav. bookseller, 229 Balto st dw Balto st w of Green
Custom House, NW cor Gay and Water sts. J. H. McCulloch
Esq. Collector
Cutler George, liquor store, Saratoga st w of Schroeder
Cutler J. S. fancy dry goods store, 67 Baltimore street
Cutts Mary, boarding house, 61 Centre Market space
Cuyk Abraham, fancy store, 43 Bond street
DABLER John M. distiller, 191 French street
+Dackins Robert, labourer, Bishop's alley s of Stiles st
Daesy John, shoemaker, 80 s Charles st
Daffin Benjamin, cutler and grinder, 1 1/2 Holliday st
Dagner Samuel, hatter, Tripolett's alley
Daiger Joseph, constable, Conway st near Sharp
Daiger Joseph, jr. blacksmith, M'Elderry's wharf; dwel. Canal
st, between Bank and Gough
++Dailin James, caulker, Spring st E of Gough
Daily James, cooper, Ross st w of Eutaw
Dalden Robert. 44 n Frederick st
Dale mrs Ann, Exeter st N of Gay
Dale Wm. stocking weaver, cor Orleans st. & Strawberry alley
Dale Daniel, carpenter, High st N of Wilk
Daley Jacob, glass store, 2d story of Bazaar; dw. 12 Harrison
st; chair factory, Baltimore st at the bridge. See Adv.
Daley Daniel, plasterer, Saratoga st w of Pine
Daley John, dry goods merchant, 67 Lexington st
Daley Mr. over 10 Mercer st
Dallam Samuel, 20 Barnet st
Dalrymple Wm. carpenter, Lombard st near Eutaw
Dalrymple Thos, carpenter, 64 Harrison st
Dalrymple W. F. & Co. dry goods merchants, 288 Baltimore
st; dw Franklin st 2d door E of Cathedral
Dalrymple John, machine maker, 59 Harrison st
Dalrymple Thomas, carpenter, 103 Ensor st
Dalun John, grocer and tavern, Harford road N w side
Dalwigh Edward, dyer, n w cor High and Granby sts
Damphoux Rev. Dr. rector of Cathedral, Saratoga near Liberty
Daneker John J. overseer Methodist burying ground, Montgo-
mery st near Charles
Daniels Walter, millwright, 289 n Howard st
Daniels Com. John D. 50 Albemarle st
Dangerfield David, labourer, Lerew's alley
Danneker Henry, blacksmith, Henrietta st near Light
++Dansberry Ritson, labourer, Douglass st w of Forest
Danskin N. dry goods merchant, 95 Baltimore st
Darden Stephen, city bailiff, 49 s Liberty st
Dare Margaret, Hanover st between Barre and Lee
Dare Priscilla, 117 s Sharp st