COS Matchett's Baltimore
Cooper Samuel, blacksmith, fort road
Cooper Thomas, blacksmith, Exeter street N of Hillen
Cooper James, tailor, S9 Baltimore street
Cooper Robert, ship carpenter, Fountain st near Washington
Cooper John, barber, WE cor Bond and Alice Anna sis
Cooper Eiisha, ship joiner, 151 Bond street
++Cooper Wilmer, labourer, Sugar alley near Charles street
+Cooper Martha, Camden st near Howard
+Cooper Isaac, Necessity alley betw Execter and Front Sts
Cooper Samuel, caulker, Wolf st n of Fieet
+Cooper Phillis, Lloyd st 1 door from Baltimore
+Cooper William, caulker, Wolf st N of Wilk
+Cooper Henry, drayman, Eutaw st N of Conway
+Cooper Robert, Happy alley N of Wilk street
+Cooper Hynson, labourer,Welcome alley betw Hanover &
+Cooper Jane, washer, 30 N Frederick st [Sharp street
Coose George, grocer, St. Paul st near Hamilton
Copee Hilmer, labourer, Amity st N of Baltimore
Copes John, brick maker, 131 s Sharp street
Copes Giles L. keeper of Charies st City Spring, 131 s Sharp st
Corbel Peter, shoemaker, cor Canal and Orleans sts
Corbin Martin, cooper, 37 Commerce street
Corban James, potter, Ensor street N of Monument
Corbree Patrick, labourer, Bishop's alley N of Sules street
Corderry mrs Maria, 7 Philpot street
Corden George, glass blower, Glass house
Cork William, blacksmith, Chesnut alley w of Pine street
Cornelius Samuel, merchant tailor, 27 w Pratt st. dw 83 Con-
Cornelius N. clothing store, Light street near Pratt [way st
Cornelius Peter, Gough st s of Granby
Corner mrs Hannah, 24 Alburmarle strept
Corner James, merchant, Ann street s of Thames
Corner & Robinson, grocers and com. mts. 1 Maryland whf.
Corner capt John B. 57 Ann street
Corner Dominick, 57 Exeter street
Corner & Son, shipping mts. and grocers, lower end Buch-
annan's wharf, dw J. C. Market st s of Wilk
tCorner Isaac, rope maker, Gross st near William
Cornish John, labourer, Argyle alley s of Fleet street
+Cornish William, stevadore, 56 Happy alley
Cornprob Ignatius, cor Light and Henrietta sts
Cornthwait William, cabinet maker, 19 Fleet street
Cornthwait Robert and Wm. hatters, 9 Thames street
Cornthwait John, teller in U. S. Bank, dw Front st n of Pitt
Corrie James, tavern, keeper, 75 Hanover street
Corrigan Patrick, Davis street near Pleasant
Corrigan Bartholomew, tavern, Market st s of Thames
Corvine mrs Elizabeth, York avenue
Cosgrove Peter, confectioner, 23 Harrison street