COL Matchett's Baltimore
Cole mrs. Milliner, Mott st e side
Cole Frederick, rigger, Shakespeare st w of Market
Cole mr. tanner, Beuren st 2d door n of French
Cole Thomas, tanner, Beuren st n of Liberty alley
Cole Wm. shopkeeper, Forest st s of Douglass
Cole John and Son, music store, 137 Baltimore st dw J. C.
Lombard st opposite the Washington engine house
Cole & Howard, dry goods merchants, 145 Baltimore st
Cole Ann, cake baker, Aisquith st s of McElderry
+Cole Jane, white washer, Mulberry st w of Pearl
+Cole Diana, Fleet st w of Market
+Cole Philip, labourer, Cross st near Johnson
Coleman Morgan, grocer, 15 Penn, avenue
Coleman R. H. & co. chemists and druggists, 133 Balto, st
Coleman & Morton, grocers, se corner Hanover and Camden sts
Coleman Edward, block ana pump maker, Eden st s of Gough
Coleman Rev. John, Jefferson row, Holliday st
Coleman Daniel, teacher, Charles st near Montgomery
Coleman Richard, blacksmith, Wilk st w of Washington
Coleman Frances, Ann st n of Bank
Coleman Darius, blacksmith, Wilk st w of Washington
Coleman capt. George A. dw corner Thames and Market sts
Coleman Morgan, merchant, corner Penn av and Pearl st dw
Howard st near Madison
Coleman Mary, shop-keeper, Apple alley s of Alice Anna st
+Coleman John, labourer, Hull's lane 4 doors e of Forest st
+Coltman Josiah, labourer, 12 Lerevv's alley
Colgate Mary, 15 s Liberty st
Colhowers Peter, blacksmith, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
College Baltimore, Mulberry st near Charles
Coliey Richard, carpenter, Pine st w side n of Fayette
Colley John, carpenter, Park lane w of Pine st
Collier mrs Julian, Mill st
Collier R. copper, tin and sheet iron worker, at Gay st bridge
Collier Richard, cordwainer, Pine st s of George
Collier Cloudsberry, carpenter, William st near Cross
Collier rev. Wm. pastor Methodist Protestant church, Eden
street n of Pitt
Collingwood George A. J. carpenter, s Frederick st
Ceilings Wm. R. collector, 115 Aisquith st
Collins Lee, tailor, Lee st between Light and Charles
Collins Rachel, Cross Pt near William
Collins George H. commission merchant, 15 Light st wharf,
dw High street near Wilk
Collins Henry, brickmaker, Columbia st near Cove
Collins Wm. H. attorney at law, Court house lane, dw Fay-
ette st between North and Holliday
Collins Charles, Armistead lane
Collins J. W. measurer, and architect, 39 n Charles st
Collins Samuel, cabinet maker, Montgomery st near Light