CAS Matchett's Baltimore
Carroll Ruth, 52 Sterling st
Carroll Wm. straw goods dealer, 3s Liberty st dw 102 Park
Carroll Charles H. shoes, hats, straw goods, &c. dealer, 231
Baltimore street
Carroll Gardner, dealer in wood ware, &c. 226 Balto. st
Carroll Edward, labourer, Argyle alley s of Wiik st
Carroll John, bricklayer, Long alley 3 of Ross st
Carroll John, deputy keeper of Penitentiary, Monument st
+Carroll Wm. boarding house, 29 s Howard st [w of Ensor
++Carroll Cecil, porter, Sarah Ann st w of Chatsworth
+Carroll mrs. washer, Montgomery st near Charles
Carruth maker, Salisbury st betw. Lloyd & Har. run
Carsey Wm. hatter, 46 N Frederick st [Pratt
Carson George, dry goods merchant, 227 Baltimore st dw 82
Carson David, house carpenter, corner Pine and Josephine
sts shop Lombard st near Charles
Carson Wm. & co. lumber and coal merchants, Buchanan's
wharf dw E Baltimore st w of East
Carson George, carter, Eutaw st N of Camden
Carson David, cooper, Burgundy alley w of Linn's lane
Carter and Debaufre ,coachmakers Calvert, st op. City Spring
Carter Clement, firm do dw Salisbury st E of High
Carter R. and A. commission merchants, 74 Bowly's wharf,
dw Hillen st near Exeter
Carter Richard D. saddler and harness maker, Lombard st
Carter James, stock manufacturer, 3 s Gay st [w of Paca
CarterJoseph, Asbury lane near Pratt st extended
Carter John W. superintendant chimnies, North st s of Bath
Carter Wm. carter, East st s of Pitt
Carter Allen Hall, merchant, n Calvert st s of Pleasant
Carter Wm. soda water establishment, corner Calvert and
Carter Wm. grocer, Gough st E of Caroline [Fayette sts
Carter Catherine, n e corner Caroline and Wilk sts
Carter Joshua, labourer, Union st w of Ross
Carter mrs Catherine, Mulberry st w of Green
Carter Wm. L. grocer, county wharf f p
+Carter Samuel, sawyer, 16 Lerew's alley
+Carter Philip, sawyer, York avenue
Carty Wm. victualler, s w corner Bond and Monument sts
Caruthers Andrew, corner Caroline and Oilcans st
Carwin Zebedee, Wilk st E of Jones's Falls
Casady Edward, accountant, 6 Peace alley
Casey Owen, grocer, corner Franklin and North sts
Casey Wm. meal merchant, cor Montgomery and Charles sts
Casey Ann,Hampstead st w of Caroline
Casey Christopher, carter, 47 Front st
Casey John, tinman, Pratt st w of Harford run
Caspari Jacob, hair dresser, corner Howard and Saratoga sat s
Cassady James, 297 n Howard st
Cassard G. & Son, bacon merchants, 51 s Calvert st