BRA Matchett's Baltimore
Bradford John, flour merchant, s E corner of Commerce &
Cable sts, dw St Paul st 1 door s of Franklin
Bradford mrs Jane, 132 Hanover st
Bradford George, grocer, Columbia st w of Paca
Bradford mrs Margaret, Happy alley N of Lancaster st
Bradly Robt. H. superintendent of sts Gough st s of Granby
Bradley John, tailor, Bishop alley s of Stiles st
Bradley Andrew, labourer, Apple alley s of Fleet st
Bradshaw John, tavern keeper, 14 Pratt st w of Light
Bradshaw Richard, tavern keeper, 3 Centre Market space
Bradshaw James, cigar store, corner Cove & Saratoga sts
Bradshaw Thomas, weaver, Franklin st extended
Brady Patrick, carter, 12 Fish Market space
Brady Greenbury, block and pump maker, Forest st N of
Brady Jno. tavern keeper, 35 Water st E of Fredk. [Monumt.
Brady Ann, grocer, Harford av opposite the Church
Brady Michael, carter, w Falls avenue near Water st
Brady Benjamin, glass & earthern ware store, 97 Balto, st
Brady Philip, grocery & liquor store, corner Pearl & George sts
Brady ——— plaisterer, 5 Pine st
Brady John, coach painter, Holland st E of Harford run
Brady Samuel, painter, Bank st 1 door vv of Spring
+Brall George, brick maker, Cross st near Johnson
Bramble Wm. huckster, Friendship st 4 doors N of Orleans
Brand Ann, seamstress, Fayette st opposite Fountain Stables
Brandale Ferdinand, small beer brewer, 26 Front st
Brannan Alexander, tavern keeper, 35 Centre Market space
Brannan John, hatter, Bank st E of Eden
Brannan Patrick, sailmaker, 6 Fleet st
Brannan Mary, shopkeeper, 10 Block st
Brannan John, blacksmith, 74 Harrison st
Brannan Patrick, drayman, Ross st w of St Mary
Brannan Sarah D. Lee st between Light & Charles
Brannan & Forney, grocers, 263 Baltimore st
Brannan John firm do dw Paca st N of Mulberry
Brannan miss Eleanor, Fayette st E of Cove
Brannum John, keeper Eastern fountain,Gough st E of Eden
Branson Margaret, Baltimore st e of Pine
Branson Joseph, Hatter, corner Thomas and Fall sts
Brant Jar8d,commission merchant,corner Commerce & Water
sts dw Jefferson row, Conway st
Brant John, grocer, se corner Exeter & Gay sts
Brant mrs Harriet, grocery, Fayette st e of Pearl
Brashears mrs Ann, boarding house, N w corner Lombard &
Eutaw sts
Brashears John B. cabinet maker Lunn's lane N of Conway st
Brashear Christopher, cooper, Lancaster st w of Market
Brashears John B, cabinet maker, corner Argyle alley & Lan-
Brass Joseph, grocer, 32 Commerce st [caster st
Bratt Thomas, whitesmith. Sugar alley near Light st