BAR Matchett's Baltimore
Barkley Hugh, carpenter, Potter st s of Hillen
Barkman mrs Henry, corner Strawberry alley and Bank st
Barkrnan Frederick, seaman, Columbia st w of Paca
Barks Benjamin, blacksmith, 20 Bond st
tBarley John, labourer, Bank st E of Eden
Barling Joseph, Pratt st E oi High
Barnaby mrs Strawberry alley, n of Alice Anna st
Barnird James & Son, lime & feed merchants, 23 Light st
wharf, dw George st near Penn av
Barnard Sarah, tailoress, Low st between East and Potter
Barnes mrs Jane, 4 s Frederick st
Barnes mrs J. boarding house, Fayette st bet. Holiday & Gay
Barnes Alenzo W. attorney at law, corner Fayette & St Paul
sts. dw corner of Green and Mulberry sts
Barnes Henry, baker, 153 Bond st
Barnes Deborah, Amity st N of Baltimore
Barnes James, wheelwright, Baltimore st E of Cove
Barnes John, Caroline st N of Fleet
+Barnes Ann, washer, Short alley
+Barnes Happy, Fleet st E of Bond
+Barnes Isaac, labourer, Mulberry st E of Cove
+Barnes Frances, washer, German st near Cove
+Barnes David, waiter, William's alley, near William st
+Barnes David, porter, Potter st N of Douglass
+Barnes Charles, porter, L. Hughes st near Light
+Barnes Wm. Caulker, Wolf st s of Fleet
+Barnet Mary, Market alley N of Fayette st
+Barnet Perry, ship carpenter, Washington st N of Fleet
Barnett Wm. clothing store, 118 N Howard st
Barnett Sylvester, 111 S Howard st
Barney John Hindman, commission merchant, 4 Bowly's wharf
Barney, L. & J. biscuit bakers, counting room 44 s Gay st
bakery 36 Block st
Barney Lewis, firm do dw 61 N Charles st
Barney, John N. Calvert st near Pleasant
Barney Wm. B. commission agent, St. Paul near Fayette st
Barney John, dw Phi st between Front & High
+Barney Rachel, Eutaw st s of Conway
+Barney John, stevadore, Salisbury alley, E of Exeter st
tBarney Wm. labourer, William st near Cross
Barnum David, City hotel, corner Calvert & Fayette sis
Barr Mary, fancy store, 11 Bazaar, dw Sugar house alley
Barow John machinist, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
Barr Wm. dry goods merchant, 133 1/2 Baltimore st dw Front
st n of Pitt.
Barrad Gregory, weaver, Pierce st w of Chatsworth
Barrett Jane, grocery & liquor store, 30 N Frederick st
Barrett Asa, upholsterer, 2 N Charles st dw 5 N. Church st
Barrett Thomas, grocer, corner Pitt and Canal sts
Barrett mrs. boarding house, Pratt st 5 doors E of Caroline