Director for 1835 WOL
Winn Christopher, 18 Barnet st
Winn Elisha, tavern keeper, 13 Fish market ;
Qinn William & John, grocers, Franklin st w of Paca; dw
Wm. W. Pearl ,st n of Mulberry
Winneberger George, giider, 49 n Sharp st
+Winsey Wm. brickmaker, Low st w of Aisquith
Winslow George, com mt and grocer, 10 Light st whf.; dw
Hill street near Light
Winslow John, collector, s w corner Fleet and Market sts
Winston Thomas, Homespun alley
Winter Gabriel, 79 s Sharp st
Winter Samuel, carpenter, Sugar alley near Light st
Winter Mary, Saratoga st near Eager alley
Winterfield Wm. cabinet maker, 2 Forest st n of Douglass
Winwood Thomas, 118 Lombard street
Wiperd Joseph, rope maker, West street
Wirgman mrs Sarah S. St. Paul st s of Franklin
Wirgman mrs Rebecca M. Courtland st near Saratoga
Wirt John A. Peoples' line stages office for Wheeling, 2 s
Calvert street
Wirts George, carpet weaver, s G cor Columbia & Eutaw sts
Wise R. R. edge tool manu. 17 Commerce st. dw Pratt st
Wise John, comb maker, Ensor st n of Monument
Wise Elizabeth, 9 Grant street
Wise George, blacksmith, 229 n Howard st [merce street
Wise Tully K. blacksmith, Pratt st e of Gough, shop Com-
Wise John, piano forte maker, over 166 Baltimore st
Wise James, painter, Mulberry st w of Pearl
Wise John, ship joiner, 52 Fleet street
+ Wise Polly Wolf st n of Gough
Wisebaugh Martin, paver, Molt st e side
Wisehample, John F. printer and publisher of Fell's Point
Messenger. 9 Shakspear st
Wisham John,Weigher of hay, 17 Thomson street
Wisler Samuel, Hollins street w p
While Honour, huckster, Paca st n of Franklin
Woelper Thomas S. treasurer of Fell's Point Savings Institu-
tion, Thames street w of Market
Woelper mrs Mary, Thames st w of Ann
Wolf John, tavern keeper, Water st e of the market
Wolf Henry, victualler, cor Scott & Columbia streets
Wolf A. B. attorney at law, Courthouse lane, dw 80 s Charles
Wolf Jacob, bricklayer, 85 s Howard street
Wolf Wm. H. brass founder, Bank st w of Eden
Wolf Margaret, 83 s Howard street
Wolf Daniel, carpenter, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
Wolf Jefferson, pump maker, cor Eager alley & Saratoga st
Wolf Marcus, victualler, Britton st s w of Neighbour
Wolfe Wm. carpenter, Aisquith st s of McElderry
Wolfenden mrs Catherine, Peirce st e of Cove