Director for 1835. WIL
Wilson Thomas, Lexington st near Courtland
Wilson George, seaman, 14 Ann street
Wilson Ann, boarding house, Ann st n of Lancaster
Wilson James A. Exeter street n of Baltimore
Wilson Joseph, grocer, Exeter st s of Low
Wilson Tower, labourer, Spring street n of Gough
Wilson Thomas, clothing store, 6 w Pratt st
Wilson N. clothing store, 19 w Pratt street
Wilson G. B. & Co. flour dealers, cor Pratt st & Smith's whf;
dw G. B. W. 19 s Howard st
Wilson James, merchant, dw 20 Holliday st
Wilson John M. tavern keeper, Light st near Mercer
Wilson Mary, 24 Hanover street
Wilson Robert, attorney, 137 n Eutaw street
Wilson John, baker, East street n of Pitt
Wilson John J. plasterer, 103 n Eutaw st
Wilson Luther, dw Pearl street n of Lexington
Wilson mrs Mary, Jackson street s side
Wilson mrs Ann, Jackson street n side
Wilson John K. Orleans st e of Friendship
Wilson Wm. R. tinner, 10 n Gay st o t
Wilson John, weaver, Preston street near Ross
Wilson Wm. grocer and flour mt. 28 Franklin St.; dw Eutaw
Wilson Eliza, Baltimore st e of Cove [n of Franklin
Wilson Louisa, teacher, Baltimore st w of Pine; dw Fayette
street w of Pine
Wilson Jane, seamstress, n e corner Alice Anna & Wolf sti
Wilson Ann, boarding house, s w cor Strawberry alley and
Wilson mrs Elizabeth, 9 Fleet st [Fleet st
Wilson Samuel, grocer, Shakspear st w of Market
Wilson Thomas W. grocer, York avenue
Wilson Catherine, seamstress, French st opposite High
Wilson James, tailor, 105 Ensor street
Wilson Greenbury, meal seller, Harford road n of lumb. yard
Wilson John, tavern keeper, Caroline st n of Wilk
Wilson Robert, jr. alt. at law, Fayette st e of St Paul
Wilson James, shingle shaver. Light st bet Montgomery and
Wilson Robt, cooper, Henrietta st near Light [Hughes sts
Wilson John, grocer, 56 Baltimore street
Wilson John, jr. carpenter, 47 Market street
Wilson Robert, deputy sheriff, Aisquith st n of Monument
Wilson Peter, Camden st near the Fountain
Wilson Francis, ship carpenter, Wolf st n of Thames
Wilson Wm. & Sons, shipping mts. 105 Baltimore st
Wilson Susannah, Aisquith st n of Monument
Wilson Richard, sawyer, Carpenter's alley near Eutaw st
Wilson Mary P. Cove st w of Paca
Wilson O. labourer, Guilford alley near Charles st
Wilson William, turner, York st near Light
Wilson Sophia, Hill st near Hanover