WIL Matchett's Baltimore
Whiteford Henry, musician, Harford road s e side
Whitford David, merchant, 1 s Howard st. dw s w corner of
Lombard and Eutaw sts
Whitiker Thomas, carpenter, York avenue
Whiting W. B lott. and exch. office, cor Balto. & St Paul sts
Whitmarsh John, shoemaker, St Paul st near Centre
Whitmore Caleb, gardner, Cove st extended
Whitmore John, inn keeper, Lexington st w of Eutaw
Whitney Dl. carter, 79 Paca st
Whitney Ebenezer, painter, 67 Bond st
Whitridge Thomas, commission mt. 12 and 13 Bowly's whf.
Whitridge Dr. 45 n Gay st
Whitson David, blacksmith and wheelwright, s w corner of
Columbia and Paca sts.; dw Paca st w of Lunn's lane
++Whittington Wm. Spring st n of Baltimore
Whitten George, labourer, 19 Wilk st
Whittington 8. il. & co. grocers, 108 Dugan's wharf
WhittJe Thomas, commission merchant, over 10 Light st wf.
Whitty Mary, Caroline st n of Will
Whitworth Richard & sons, woollen manufacturers, Cove st
n of Lexington, dw R. W. Hock st n of Lexington
Wickersham Wm. grocer, corner Bank and Spring sts
Wholy George, agent for Stockton & Stokes, 126 n Eutaw st
Widney Johnson, printer, Exeter st s of French
Wickes John, blacksmith, Albemarle st n of Water
Wiegand Daniel, grocer. corner York and Light sts
Wiekins Wm. labourer, Washington st n of Fleet
Wier John, victualler, Holland st e of Harford run
Wierman Wm. miller, 4 Spear's wharf
Wierman Jesse, shoemaker, Fail's turnpike near the gate
Wigart Henry, salt and plainer dealer, German st near Green
Wigart George, do do 125 n Eutaw st
Wigart Andrew, carter, Richmond st near Cathedral
Wiggins Lewvis S. H. 32 Sterling st
Wiggins Lewis, Low st between East and Potter
Wiggins Thomas, labourer, Saratoga st w of Pearl
Wight Wm. J. n e corner Charles and Barre sts
Wight Resin, carpenter, Fayette st w of Pine
Wightman Wm. H. teacher, Light st between Armistead
lane and York street
Wigley L. victualler, Charles st 1 door s of Camden
Wigley John, frame work knitter, Tyson st extended
Wigley Denn s, confectioner, Tyson st extended
Wilbe Manin, blacksmith, corner Marion and Park streets,
dw Jew alley near Lexington st
Wilbe Charles, bailiff, Cove st s of Mulberry
Wilbur Silas J. slater, 49 n Eutaw st
Wilburn Nathaniel, plaisterer, Pitt st e of Aisquith
Wilcox mrs Ann B. Gay st w of Aisquith
Wilcox Wm. labourer. Caroline st n of Mullikin