WAU Matchett's Baltimore
Waters Eleonora, Caroline at N of Baltimore
Waters mrs Mary, 81 High st
Waters capt Wm. L. Hughes st near Light
Waters mrs Henrietta, 56 Exeter st
Waters Joseph, tavern, 59 Park st
Waters Ann, 80 N Howard st
++Waters Charles, Long alley, N of New st
++Waters George, labourer, Chesnut alley E of Pine st
Watkins L. J. & Co. dry goods mts. 24 Pratt st E of" Charles
Watkins Noble, painter, Peace alley E of Lunn's lane
Watkins John W. bricklayer, Pine st E side s of Saratoga
Watkins Nicholas, bricklayer, Franklin st E of Chatsworth
Watkins mrs Susanna, 14 Bend st
Watkins Thomas & Co. drapers and tailors, 4 s Sharp st dw
T. W. Pratt st between Charles and Hanover
+Watkins Rev. Thomas, labourer, Mechanics' alley s side
+Watkins Richard, cordwainer, Mulberry st w of Pine
+Watkins Francis, Sarah Ann st w of Cove
+Watkins George, Gardner, Mulberry st w of Pine
Watser John, cordwaiuer, Chesnut alley w of Pine st
Watson John, cordwainer, corner Calvert & Water sts
Watson Wm. A. justice of peace, Thames st E of Bond
Watson W. W. justice of peace, Bond st s of Anne
Watson Donald, Millwright, 38 Centre Market space
Watson Thomas, proprietor of Fair mount, E Baltimore st
Watson mrs Margaret, mantau maker, 16 Salisbury st
Watson mrs Rebecca, hoarding house, 76 Market st f p
Watson Wm. H. attorney at law, Water st E of Exeter
Watson John, engineer, Armistead lane
Watson mrs Harriet, Thames st E of Block
Watson Charles, carpenter, George st w of Penn av
Watson Alexander, watchman, Montgomery st near Light
Watson Samuel, weaver, Pine st w of Chatsworth
+Watson John, porter, 7 Park st
Wattles James, portrait painter, Saratoga st E of Green
Watts Wm. couchsmith, Douglass st E of Potter
Watts John, paver, Mullikin st E of Bond
Watts Peter, Gough Pt N of Pratt
Watts Wm. grocer, 2 Alice Anna st
Watts Dixon, of Custom house, Water st 1st house E of the
Watts capt. Frederick J. 88 Market st f p [bridge
Watts Vespasian H. tailor, Union alley E of Eden st
Watts Jarrett, painter, Columbia st between Eutaw ami Paca
Watts Charles, carpenter, 19 Comet st
Watts Thomas B. currier, dw Holiday st 3 doors N of Saratoga
Watts George, painter, & glazier, Lombard st w of Pine
Watts R H. grocery & liquor store, cor. Conway & Green sts
Watts Alexander, brickmaker, Hill st near Hanover
Watts Wm. shot maker, Conway st w of'Eutaw
Watts Richard, painter, Green st s of Conway
Watts Daniel, painter, Pine st w side s of Franklin
++Walts Rachel, washer, Apple alley s of Baltimore st
+Watts John, barber, Lombard st near Charles
Waunkan Ringan, grocer, corner Henrietta & Charles sts