Director for 1835 STI
Stewart Joseph, of Custom house, Shakspeare st e of Bond
Stewart James, labourer, Addison street n side
Stewart Robert, grocer, Harford avenue nearthe Church
Stewart John, tailor, Tyson alley
Stewart John, blacksmith, Pratt street road
Stewart Joseph, tailor, 23 Fayette street
Stewart & Paine, dry goods mts. 199 Baltimore st
Stewart Joseph W. grate & fender manuf. 64 Baltimore st
Stewart Jas. firm Stewart & Bolton, dw Caroline st s of Pratt
Stewart William, carpenter, Eden st n of Silver
Stewart John A. & Co. brass founders & bell hangers, Lom-
bard street 2 doors above Howard
Stewart John, Barre street near Shaip
Stewart Francis, Inloes alley
Stewart David, Franklin street near St Paul's lane
Stewart Dr. Richard S. Saratoga st near St Paul's Church
+Stewart Mary, Wine street w of Pine
+Stewart Thomas, sawyer, Chatsworth st n of Franklin
+Stewart Margaret, 30 Park street
+Stewart Stephen, Long alley, s of New street
+Stewartt Fanny, Chatsworth street s of Franklin
+Stewart Wm. drayman, Union alley e of Eden st
+Stewart Elijah, labourer, Biddle alley w of Ross st
+Stewart Charles, drayman, Eden st n of Holland
+Stewart Daniel, hack driver, Salisbury alley e of Exeter st
Sticen Lewis, blacksmith, 54 Sterling street
Sticher John, cabinet maker, Park st bet Marion & Lexington
Stick Martha, Union street w of Penn avenue
Stickney & Noyes, com mts. 12 s Charles street
Stidger Rebecca, tailoress, Ensor st n e of Monument
Stiener Megile, cabinet maker, Franklin st e of Paca
Stievenger Leonard, blacking maker, East st n of Ensor
Stier Rev. Frederick, dw Pratt street e of High
Stiff mrs. York street w of Light
Sligers John, blacksmith, w end of Baltimore street
Stiles John, corner Mulberry and Paca streets
Stilley mrs Ann, Bank street e of Eden
Stiltz Daniel, frame maker, St Paul's st near Hamilton
Stimple Anthony, morocco dresser, s Charles st
Stimpson James, engineer, 49 Albemarle st
Stine Edward, Maiden Jane e of East st [w of Pine
Stinchcomb Wesley A. grocery and liquor store, Baltimore st
Stinchcomb A. D. High street s of Pitt
Stinchcomb John, cooper, George street e of Pine
Stinchcomb Joshua, cooper, Park lane e of Pine at
Stinchcomb Victor, cooper, Baltimore st w of Pine
Stinemeyre Margaret E. Mulberry st w of Chatsworth
Stinger mrs. Sharp street near Busy alley
Stirling Jesse, seaman, Orleans st 3 doors e of Friendship