SCrt Matchett's Baltimore
+Sa?oy Richard, boot black, 20 n Gay at
+Savoy Richard, labourer, Chesnut alley w of Pearl st
+Savoy Samuel, labourer, Baltimore st w of Pearl
Sawer John, shoemaker, Lancaster st e of Apple alley
Sawkins Wm. tavern keeper, 1 Hollingsworth and Grant sts
Sawyer mrs. Saratoga st w of Pine
Sawyer Chas, seaman, Happy alley n of Alice Anna at
Sax Charles, locksmith, 85 Bond st
Say Mary, 81 s Howard st
Scarborough capt Abraham, S3 Fleet st
Scarf mrs A. fancy dress and habit maker, over 33 w Pratt st
Scarf mrs Elizabeth, tailoress, Frederick st near Gay
Scarf George, plasterer, 102 n Eutaw st
Shaaper William, ivory turner and musical instrument mak-
er, corner Commerce and Water sts
Schaeffer Wm. A. justice of peace, 1 n Frederick st
Schaeffer Chris'n A. dw n Charles st bet Mulberry &Franklin
Schaffer John, 133 n Eutaw st
Schaeffer Jacob, labourer, w end of Baltimore st
Schapplemann Wm. clockmaker, 10 Mercer st
Schaub Jacob, grocer, w end of Baltimore st s side
Schaumaker Rachel, tailoress, Lee st near Sharp
Scheldt mr. Charles st n of Eager
Scheler Christopher, cabinet maker, 81 n Gay st
+Scheller Anthony, carter, Exeter st s of Hillen
Scherer Michael, millinery store, 29 e Baltimore st
Schimp John A. boot and shoemaker, 23 s Howard st
Schlee Peter J. shoemaker, Forest st n of Gay
Schleich John G. baker, 35 s Howard st
Schley John, baker, 5 Fayette st
Schlumpf George, barber, Baltimore st e of Paca
Schmidt mrs milliner, 3 Holliday st
Schminke George, 40 Conway st
Schnauber Wm. confectioner, Pitt st e of Eden
Schorb A. 111 n Howard st
Schraekart Michael, Hamburg st near Light
Schrader Christian, cutler, Charles st n of Conway
Schrodt John, baker, Exeter st s of French
School Infant No. 1, German st near Hanover
School Public No. 4, n e cor Hanover and Lee sts
Schoolfield L. A. lottery and exchange office, 34 Baltimore st
Schollar Jacob, baker, Saratoga street w of Cove
Schreiner Wm. H. fishing & fowling tackle store, 41 South st
Schriver mrs H. Monument st e of Aisquith
Schroeder Fred. H. tobacconist, n w cor Eutaw & Conway sts
Schroeder Wm. Franklin st e of Pine
Schroeder Henry, mt. Shroeder st opposite Mulberry
Schroeder John, shoe store, 103 1/2 Balto, st. dw 23 Albemarle
Schroeder, Baltzel, carpenter, 61 Bond street
Schrote John, baker, cor Light and Mercer streets