SAN Matchett's Baltimore
Sadler Henry seaman, Orleans st n side, 3 doors w of Eden st
Sadler Mary, seamstress, Mechanics' alley n side
Sadtler Philip B hardware merchant, 172 Baltimore st
Saesler Adam, shoemaker, n High st
Saint John Daniel, tailor, Chamberlain alley n side
St. Marry's College, Penn ave n of Franklin st. Rev. J. T.
Chanche, president, Penn ave n of Franklin
Saint Mary's Seminary, Penn avenue n of Franklin st. Rev,
L. K. Deluol, superior, Rev. P. Fredet, pr. of theology,
F. Thomme
Saint John's (Methodist Protestant) church, 47 n Liberty st
Saint John's (Catholic) church, Aisquith st n of Monument
Saint Victor Ernily, Water st between Light and Grant sis
Saint John Margaret, Hanover st near Richmond
Saint Paul's church, corner Charles and Saratoga sts. do bury-
ing ground German st near Cove
Saint Peter's church, corner Sharp and German sts
Saint Peter's free school, German st near Hanover
Saint Peter's church, Saratoga st n of Liberty
Saintnair Anthony, labourer, Biddle st e of Penn avenue
+Sales Benjamin, drayman, intersection of Harford avenue
and Ensor st
Sale Henry, 40 Lerew's alley
Salinave James, 32 Pitt st
Salisbury James, labourer, cor Argyle al and Alice Anna st
Salmin Charles, do Jefferson row Conway st
++Salter Joseph, seaman, 57 Albemarle st [timore sts
Salzwedel John J. furrier, Sharp st between German and Bal-
Samuels S. grocer, 212 n Howard st
Samuels David, Madison st near Howard
+Sampson Eliza, Long alley s of New st
Sanders B. J. & E. J. grocers and commission merchants, 46
and 48 s Frederick st
Sanders B. J. firm do dw Pitt st near Aisquith
Sanders E. J. firm do dw Front st bet Gay and Pitt
Sanders Peter, milkman, Henrietta st near William
Sanders John W. primer, 90 Pitt st
Sanders Thomas, huckster, Low st 2d door w of Aisquith
Sanders Jacob, inn keeper, n w cor Paca and Franklin sts
Sanders Rachel, seamstress, Harford av near the Church
+Sanders Thos, seaman, Wilk st e of Strawberry alley
+Sanders Wm. vvhitewasher, Conway st w of Charles
+Sanders John, hatter, Chesnut alley w of Pearl st
+Sanders Mary, Park st extended
+Sanders Jarret, labourer, Happy alley near Gough st
Sanderson & Jenkins, dry goods mts. 269 Baltimore st
Sanderson mrs Susan, 7 Mercer st
Sanderson G. H. in Franklin Bank; dw 40 n High st
Sanderson Henry, sheriff, Baltimore co. 82 High st
Sandlon John, bricklayer, Low st 6th door w of Aisquith