Director for 1835 ROC
Robinson Joseph, printer, stationer, and proprietor of Circulat-
ing Library, 108 Baltimore st; dw Lexington st oppo-
site the Court house
Robinson James S. dry goods mt. 68 Hanover st
Robinson Elizabeth, dry goods store, 57 Hanover st
Robinson Benj, dry goods mt. Barnet st bet Charles and Sharp
Robinson George, tailor, Sharp st bet Lexicon and Saratoga
Robinson Daniel, grocer, dw 64 n Liberty st. store, Paca st n
Robinson Hugh, Long alleys of Ross st [of Fayette
Robinson Wm. carpenter, Pine st w side s of Fayette
Robinson John, grocery and liquor store, cor Cove & Mulberry
Robinson mrsMary L. e Baltimore st opposite Lloyd
Robinson Nicholas N. Salisbury st bet High and Exeter
Robinson Charles, Water st e of Exeter
Robinson Sarah, s w cor President and Pratt sts
Robinson capt Edwin, Pratt st e of Eden
Robinson & Elliott, shoemakers, s e cor East and Hillen sts
Robinson Wm. grocer, Penn av cor Union st
Robinson Thomas, carter, Peirce st w of Cove
Robinson A. s e corner Baltimore and Pine sts
Robinson Dr. A. C. s e cor Baltimore and Pine sts
Robinson Mary, milliner, 13 Alice Anna st
Robinson Wm. carpenter, s w cor Monument and Canal sts
Robinson Josiah C. writing academy, 95 Baltimore st
Robinson T. & S. dry goods mts. 161 Baltimore st
Robinson John, paper hanger, 20 Baltimore st
Robinson Sarah, Eden st s of Pratt
Robinson Edward W. carpenter, Market st B of Bank
Robinson Wm. jr. 79 Lombard st
Robinson Lewis, brickmaker, s Charles st
Robinson James, cordwainer, Madison st near Howard
Robinson Cheesman, labourer. Potter st s of Gay
Robinson Samuel, bricklayer, Burk st Canton
Robinson George, bricklayer, Apple alley s of Baltimore st
Robinson John, shoemaker, Happy alley n of Lancaster st
Robinson Sarah, washer, Strawberry alley n of Wilkst
Robinson Henry, drayman, w end Baltimore st
Robinson Edward, Argyle alley n of Alice Anna st
Robinson George, hackman, Argyle alley n of Fleet st
Robinson George, sawyer, Biddle alley w of Ross st
Robinson Lydia, washer, 15 Concord st
Robison Eve, 38 n Howard St
Robnot George, seaman, 81 Bond st
Roche J. baker, 67 n Gay st
Roche C. & Co. dry goods store, 66 Hanover st
Roche John A. dry goods store, 52 Hanover st
Roche Wm. iron founder, Orleans st e of Forest
Rochester Wm. farmer, Harford road n of the Church
Rochester Joseph, teacher, Exeter st n of Hillen
Rock Neale, carter, Holliday st s of Centre