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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1835
Volume 493, Page 231   View pdf image (33K)
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Director for 1833 RAY

Rabb Philip, musical insiru. maker, Saratoga St near Howard

Raborg C. coppersmith, brass founder and tin-plate worker, 12

Pratt st near Lijrht; dw Pratt st near Eutaw

Raborg Lewis, boot and shoemaker, 69 n Liberty st

Raborg Harriet, Columbia st near Cove

Radish Thomas, 09 M'Eiderry's wharf

Rafield Wm. W. Conway st near Sharp

Rail Road Baltimore and Susquehannah, depot, North st cor

Eager alley, Geo. F. De Le Roache, superintendent

Rail Road Baltimore and Ohio, office, n e cor Calvert & Fayette

st; ticket office, n e cor Charles and Camden

Raines Lewis, sea captain, Gough st w of Bond

Raino John, boat builder, Alice Anna st e of Caroline

Raisin J. M. & Co. grocer and com. mt. 7 Light st wharf

+Ralph Abraham, sawyer, Happy alley n of Alice Anna st

+Ralph Benjamin, sawyer, Happy alley n of Alice Anna st

+Rambo Chas. labourer, Strawberry alley n of Bank st

Ramsay Elizabeth, tutoress, 21 n Gay st

Ramsay Jefferson, agent for Baltimore Chemical factory, corner

Salisbury and High sts

Ramsay's Rope Walk, running from Bank st e of Market st
Ramsay Wm. brush maker, 17 n Howard st
Ramsay Joseph, blucksmith, 11 Market st
Ramsay James, rope store, Thames st w of Bond
+Ramsey Catherine, Run alley s of Fayette 8t
Ramsey Isaac, Fleet st w of Apple alley
Randall William, Bond st s of Water
Randall John, 32 Conway st
Randall mrs Mary, Columbia st near Cove
Randall Dudley, mead manufacturer, n Howard st near Franklin
Randall Elisha, auctioneer, &c. 61 Front st

Randanne Rev...J. St. Mary's College, Penn av n of Franklin st

Randell mrs Dorcas, huckster, Biddle alley w of Ross st

Randell Beale, Franklin st e of Pine

Randle Pullen, sea captain, Legrand's row, e Baltimore st

Randolph Thomson, teacher, n w cor Ann and Fleet sts

Randolph Wm. W lumber mt. Market st s of Wilk

Rauer Wm. waterman, Eutaw st s of Conway

Range Patrick, labourer, Franklin st extended

Rankin Robert, hatter, Wilk st e of Caroline

Rankin Samuel, grocer, Potter st n of Gay

Rarick John, carpenter, 110 Wolf st

Ratcliff Richard, shoemaker, Barre st near Sharp

Rathel Elizabeth, Castle alley

Rau & Smith, flour mts. n e cor Paca and Franklin sts

Rawlings Wm. boot and shoemaker, 70 s Charles st

Rawlings mrs col. B. 150 Sharp st

Rawlings Benjaniin, 116 Hanover st

Ray James, carpeater, 56 Sterling st

Ray Andrew, cooper, Granby st w of L Gough


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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1835
Volume 493, Page 231   View pdf image (33K)
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