PAT Matchett's Baltimore
Parker Nathan, collecior, Fayette st opposite Post office
Parker Jonathan, tavern keeper, 5 Centre Market Space
Parker James, Slater, 7 Commerce st
Parker Oliver, stove manufacturer and dealer in iron, corner
Lombard and Calvert sts. dw Hamilton row e Water st
Parker Mary Ann, temperanee grocery store, 120 Hanover st
Parker John, labourer, Fleet st w of Caroline
Harker George, gardener, Richmond st w of Howard st
Parker Thomas, carter, Caroline st n of Fleet
Parker capt Thomas, 120 Wolf ft
+Parker Carolina. Pearl st n of Saratoga
+Parker Margaret, Run alley n of Lexington st
+Parker Stephen, labourer, Chatsworth st n of George
Parkinson, Robt, ship carpenter, cor Light st & Sugar alley
Parkinson James, tailor, Jackson st n side
Parks Ruth, Tripblett's alley, near Second st
Parks Thomas H. grocer, 70 s Calvert st
Parks mrs Mary, Exeter st n of Pitt
Parks Elizabeth, 47 Hanover st
Parks Mary, Jefferson row Conway st
Parks Sarah, grocer, s w corner Caroline and Hampstead sts
Parks Abraham, s e corner Spring and Pratt sts
Parks Archibald, wood corder, Eden st s of Gough
+Parks George, labourer, Cove st s Baltimore
+Parks Priscilla, washer, Pleasant st near Park
+Parkinson Nicholas, porter, Park st extended
Parlett Elizabeth, Baltimore st w of Pearl
Parr mrs Margaret, stone and earthenware store, 49 South st
manufactory Eden st
Parr miss Ann, milliner, 12 Hanover st
Parr David, potter, Pitt st 2d door w of Eden st
Parr's mrs Margaret, pottery, Eden n of York at. store South
st near Pratt
Parr mrs Elizabeth, milliner, High st n of Water
Parrish Stephen, cabinet maker, Union st e of Penn avenue
Parrish capt Lewis, Exeter st n of Wilk
Parry J. marble cutler, York st near Light
Parrot James, tailor, Cornet st near Aisquith
Parsons Thomas, shoe manufacturer, Baltimore st e of Cove
Parsons Magdaline, corner Pearl and Mulberry sts
Parsons Edward, lime manufacturer, Falls turnpike near gate
Parsons John, clerk, n w corner Green and Lombard sts
Parsops Samuel, trunk maker, Pratt st near the bridge
Partridge James, printer, 16 Mercer st
Partridge mrs Hannah, 101 Hanover st
Partridge D. B. grocer, corner Bank st and Happy alley
Patapsco fire apparatus, corner Fayette and North sts
Pater Wm. pilot, Washington st n of Alice Anna
+ Paschal Peter, labourer, Peirce st w of Pearl
Patrick Lorenzo D. tailor, 27 s Frederick st