NEE Matchett's Baltimore
+ My ers Solomon, Salisbury st w of Harford run
+Myen Nathan, drayman, Potter st s of Low
+ Myers Robert, carter, Wilk st w of Ann
+ Myers Elizabeth, washer, Biddle alley w of Ross st
+ Myers John, labourer, cor McElderry and Canal sts
+ Myers Peter, sawyer, Pratt st road
+ Myers Jeremiah, labourer, East st n of Douglass
+ Myers Edward, drayman, East st s of Douglass
Myres James, sexton of Cathedral, and publisher of Catholic
works, Mulberry st rear of Cathedral
NABB G. W., attorney at law, office Fayette st near Cal
vert, dw Camden st n of Snarp
Naff John H. auctioneer and com. mercht. 1 N. Charles st;
dw Pleasant st w of St. Paul's
Nagle Catherine, Columbia st w of Paca
+Nailor Jacob, labourer, French st e of High
+Nailor Lewis do do e of Exeter
Nairn Dr. J. C. dentist, 43 S. Charles st
+Nailer Sampson, labourer, Guilford alley, near Light st
Nails Benjamin F. house, sign and fancy painter and glazier,
2 N. Frederick st
Naly Richard, coach spring maker, 117 S. Howard st
Nantz John, inspector of customs, 72 High st
Narril Francis, paver, Peirce st w of Chatsworth
Nash Charles, ship carpenter, Lee st w of Hanover
Nash Ephraim, ship carpenter, York st near Light
+Nathans Daniel, whitewasher, Mulberry st near Park
Naugle Jacob, shoemaker, 15 Mott st
Nattally Alice, Front st opposite York
Nary Agent's office, corner Fayette and North sts
Naylor Dorbin, carpenter, Eden st n of Gough
Neal Wm. & Jos. booksellers and stationers, 174 Baltimore st
Neal Richard, wood dealer, Exeter st n of Fawn
tNeale John, carter, Argyle alley, s of Wilk st
Neale James, 66 South st. manufacturer of patent cordage;
dw corner Charles and West sts
Neale John O. blacksmith, n w cor Holiday and Centre sts
Neale James G. bricklayer, Hanover st near Lee
Neale Francis, commission merchant, dw Chatsworth st ex-
tended, store 3 Light st wharf
Neale Henry, 5 Thomson st
+Neale Richard, labourer, Penn avenue extended
Nealy Wm. labourer, Franklin st extended
Nebiker Peter, engineer, York st near Light
Needham Asa, grocer, 28 Light st wharf; dw 126 Hanover st
Needles J. cabinet maker and upholster, 54 Hanover street;
dw 53 do
Neelan Hannah, tailoress, 9 Tripolelt's alley
Needles mrs Elizabeth, dry goods store, 56 Hanover st
Neely John, dw 224 N. Howard st