MUS Matchett's Baltimore
Murray Wm. H. cashier of Mechanic's bank, dw n e corner
Aisquith and e Baltimore sts
Murray John A. Band st s of Ann
Mnrray Francis, constable, corner Gay and Aisquith sts
tMurray Samuel, labourer, Peirce st e of Pine
tMurray George, labourer, Forest st n of Douglass
Murphy John & Wm. house carpenters, 14 Fish M. space
Murphy Wm. dw Salisbury st 2 doors from Lloyd
Murphy John N. dw e Water st 3 doors from Harford run
Murphy & League's wood yard, w Falls avenue s of Pratt st
Murphy & League, grocers and ship brokers, 98 Dugan's wf
Murphy Thomas, firm Dobbin Murphy and Bose, dw Pitt st
near Front
Murphy mrs Ann, Perry st near Charles
Murphy John, jr. western hotel, cor Howard & Saratoga sts
Murphy Wm. carpenter, Salisbury st 1st door w of Lloyd
Murphy John, carpenter, Water st near Caroline
Murphy Patrick, oyster cellar, corner Low and Front sts
Murphy Wm. grocer, s e corner Pratt and Albemarle sts
Murphy John N. carpenter, Gough st n of Pratt
Murphy Peter, labourer, Wilk st e of Spring
Murphy John, weaver, Preston st w of Ross
Murphy Robert, weaver, Franklin st extended
Murphy Dr. Thomas L. Caroline row, Caroline st
Murphy Ellen, grocer, Tyson st
Murphy Jesse D. tavern keeper, Light st near York
Murphy capt. Thomas S. Caroline st n of Gough
Murphy John, druggist, 69 Bond st
Murphy James, Pleasant st near St Paul's lane
+Murphy Wm. labourer, Crape alley
+Murphy Nicholos, stone mason, Crape alley
Murray James, blacksmith, Henrietta st near Light
Murray M. &, co. comb, jewelry &, variety store, 107 Balto, st
Murray Wm. cabinet maker, Lexington st near Liberty, see
+Murray David, Spring st s of Gough
+Murray Alexander, waiter, 20 Salisbury st
Murray Jackson, waiter, Biddle st w of Penn avenue
+Murray Robert, musician, East st n of Ensor
Muschett Walter, Mulberry st near Charles
Museum Baltimore, n w corner Baltimore and Calvert sts
Musgrave rev. George W. pastor of 3d Presbyterian church,
Eutaw st dw Saratoga st near Eutaw
Musgrave Andrew, cooper, Patterson st s of Pratt, dw near
Trinity Church
Musgrave mrs Margaret, Exeter st n of Wilk
Musgrave George, do do
Musgrave Andrew, cooper, do do
Musket Susannah, corner Market and Thames sts
Musser Wm. M. millinery store. 15 e Baltimore st