Office of the Bank of the United States.
Discount days, Tuesday and Friday. William Patterson, President;
John White, Cashier. Directors, F. W. Brune, Thomas Wilson, John
McKim jr., Robert Gilmor, Samuel W. Smith, James Beatty, Samuel
McDonald, Solomon Betts, Robert A. Taylor, Samuel Hoffman, Thomas
Edmondson, William Riggin—elected December.
[A committee of the Merchants' Bank of Baltimore have concluded an
arrangement with the Office of the Bank of the United States in this city,
by which the whole of the business of the latter institution, together
with the banking, will be transferred to the Merchants' Bank on
the first of October next.]
Bank of Baltimore.
Discount days, Tuesday and Friday—Dividends, 1st Monday in June
end December—Wm. Lormaii, president; James Cox, cashier. Directors
Alexander Macdonald, Thomas Tenant, Robert Smith, Alexander
Fridge, Hugh Birckhead, James Wilson, Leonard Jarvis, Jacob G. Da-
vies, John Gibson, Micajah Merryman, Jeremiah Nicols, Josiah Bayly,
Wm. Wiliiamson, Elijah Bosley, John Matthews, Port Deposit, Dr.
Johu Ridgely, Annapolis, election 4th December.
Union Bank of Maryland.
Discount daily—Dividends, 1st January and July—Hugh W. Evans,
president, Robert Mickle, cashier.—Directors, Luke Tiernan, James
Campbell, Charles Howard, Robert S. Voss, John M. Gordon, D. M.
Perine, John O,. Hewlitt, Wm. F. Murdock, Solomon Etting, Wm.
Tiffany, John H. Orndorff, Ezekiel F. Chambers, Charles S. W. Dor-
sey, Thomas Hillen, John Beale Howard.—elected July.
Franklin Bank.
Discount day, Monday—Dividends, loth of April ard 15th of October.
—James Howard, president, Jas. L. Hawkins, cashier. Directors, Jo-
seph Jamison, Thomas Kelso, Wm. McConkey, Jacob Rogers, Daniel
Conn, John Kelso, James Corner, Wm. P Mills, James L. Ridgely, John
Joshua Creamer, Moses Hiudes, Wm. Rogers, James Billingslea, Rich-
ard McGaw, Micajah Merryman—Election April 16 to 20.
Marine Bank.
Discount day, Thursday—Dividends, 15th of April & October—Ja-
cob Bier, president, Philip Littig, Jr. cashier. Directors, Thorndick
Chase, Frederick Shaffer, John Cunnyngham, A. Keer, Joel Vickers,
James J. Corner, John K. Kane, George P. Waters, Matthew Bennet,
Baptist Mezick, Wm. A, Tucker—Elected April.
Farmers' and Merchants' Bank.
Discount days, Monday and Thursday—Dividends, April and October,
Nicholas Brice, "president, John Duer, cashier. Directors, Philip T.
Dawson, Thomas W. Hall, Robert D. Burns, E. C. Wysham, Benj. F.
Vpss, James C. Sellman, Saml. Gordon, Larkin Dorsey, George Hebb,
Richard Cole.—Elected April.
Commercial and Farmers1 Bank.
Discount days, Tuesday and Friday—Dividends, May and Novem-
ber—Charles Bohn, president; George T. Dunbar, cashier. Directors,
James Armstrong, jr. John Reese, Jacob Albert, Samuel Jones, jr. Dan-
iel Hoffman, Archibald George, Elie Clagett John Power, Thomas Har-