MOR Matchett's Baltimore
Moore capt Stephen H. clerk of Insolvent commissioners, dw
Water street e of Exeter
Moore mrs Martha, Mullikin st e of Eden
Moore mrs Catherine, seamstress, n e cor Strawberry alley &
Moore mrs Margaret, 40 n Eutaw street [Wilk st
Moore Henry, machinist, Hollins street w
Moore Benjamin, Hillen street e of East
Moore Thomas, plane maker, George street e of Pine
Moore Priscilla, Armistead lane
Moore John, drayman, Preston street w of Ross
Moore Thomas, labourer, Cross st near William
Moore John R. 52 Fayette street
Moore John, carpenter, Park lane w of Cove street
Moore Henry, labourer, Forest st s of Douglass
Moore James, cabinetmaker, Forest street s of Orleans
Moore Henry tailor, 111 n Howard street
Moore & Danskin, gentlemen's furnishing store, 113 Balto, st
Moore mrs Mary, mantua maker, 125 Baltimore street
Moore mrs M & E. fancy dress & habit makers, 173 Balto, st
Moore, Stabler & Co. druggists, 190 Baltimore street
Moore Ann, seamstress, Bond street n of Ann
Moore Samuel, bacon merchant, 97 Bond street
+Moore William, seaman in steamboat Carroll, Salisbury st w
+Moore Cyrus, Eutaw street opposite Barre [of Har. run
+Moore George, waiter, Hull's lane 5 doors w of Aisquith st
+Moore Hamlet, Caroline street n of Wilk
+Moore James, labourer, Thames st betvv President st & E.
+Moore John, brickrnaker, Busy alley [Falls avenue
+Moore Pamelia, washer, 30 N. Frederick st
+Moore Maria, Cathedral st near Richmond
+Moore James, seaman, Spring st n of Gough
Mop John, labourer, Cove st extended
Mopps Adam, carpenter, Holiday st n of Saratoga
Mopps Wm. cordvvainer, Park lane, w of Cove st
Moran Richard, miller, city mill, dw cor Davis and Centre sts
Moran Charles, weaver, Sarah Ann st w of Cove
Moran Michael, carpenter, Hillen st e of Exeter
Moran Gabriel, plasterer, Barry st rear Charles
Morehead John, Falls turnpike, near the gate
Morel John, fancy store. 5 Maryland Arcade
Morgan mrs Martha B. Gay st w of Aisquith [Exeter sts
Morgan Thos, potter, 44 Pitt st. pottery n e corner Pitt and
Morgan Joseph, carpenter, Gay st e of Forrest
Morgan Ephraim, blacksmith, corner Paca and Fayette sts.
dw Long alley w of Lexington st
Morhead John, weaver, Cove st w of Saratoga
Morgan James, blacksmith, Paca st n of Pratt
Margin John, clerk in Franklin Bank Baltimore, dw Lloyd
st s of Salisbury
Morgan Michael, rail road tavern, Light Dear Pratt st