Director for 1835. MON
Mokette Rose De Clari, Biddle street w of Penn, avenue
+Molison Barbara, Pearl st s of Saratoga
Molison Emily, washer, Pine street e side n of Franklin
+Monat capt James, 72 Ann street
Monday mrs Lea h, prop, of circulating library, 63 n Howard st
+Mondoung Henry, stevadore, Strawberry alley n of Bank st
+Mondoung George, seaman, Strawberry alley n of Bank st
Monk George, accountant, Exeterjst s of Salisbury
+Monk Philip, caulker, Fleet street e of Caroline
Monmonier Francis, ship carpenter, Pratt st e of Caroline
Monmonier Dr. John F. Pratt st e of Caroline
Monroe John, tailor, Pine at e side s of George
Monroe Henry, blacksmith, at Water st bridge e side
Monroe Edmund, clerk, Mulberry st w of Green
Monsal George, 80 s Sharp street
Monsarrat N. apothecary, 150 Baltimore street
Monsarratt Oscar, apothecary, 21 Market street
Monteiro Elizabeth, tailoress, Comet street
Monteith J. & R. jeweller and silversmith, 144 Baltimore st.
dw Penn, avenue opposite Hoffman street
Montell F. and C, merchants, 63 Smith's wharf
Montell Charles, firm do. dw Pratt st w of Gough
Montgomery William, engineer, York street near Charles
+Montgomery, Rachel, huckster, Canal street n of Holland
+Montgomery, Martin, Spring street near Wilk
+Montgomery Rose, washer, Spring st n of Baltimore
+Montgomery Nathan, labourer, Hawk street
Monument Battle, Calvert street betw Lexington & Fayette