MIL Matchett's Baltimore
Miller Hartman, cordwainer, 66 Harrison st [near Howard
Miller Wm. D. firm Wm. E. Mayhew & co. dw Lexington st
Miller Jacob, paver, Long alley n of Franklin st
Miller Elizabeth, do do
Miller Rosina, do do
Miller John D. clerk of Lex. market, Paca st n of Franklin
Miller James, grocery and liquor store, n e corner Paca st &
Miller Sarah, Cove st s of Franklin [Carpenters' alley
Miller James, turner, Baltimore st e of Aisquith
Miller mrs Wm. P. grocer, corner Bond and Eden sts
Miller mrs Catherine, Pitt st e of Exeter
Miller mrs Ann, Pitt st 4 doors e of Exeter
Miller Dr. Edward, s w corner Albemarle and Water sts
Miller George W. sugar refiner, Concord st dw Pratt 3d door
e of High
Miller John P. clerk in U. S. bank, Pratt st 1 door w of Gough
Miller Henry G. shoemaker, Pratt st e of the bridge
Miller Enoch, carpenter, Stiles st e of Exeter
Miller David, carpenter, n e corner Douglass and Potter sts
Miller James, tailor, Orleans st n side e of Long lane
Miller Edward, bricklayer, 160 n Gay st
Miller Richard, blacksmith, 14 Monument st
Miller mrs Mary, Wilk st w of Exeter
Miller John, cordvvainer, Penn avenue n of Preston st
Miller John, blacksmith, Ross st w of Biddle
Miller mrs Mary, Ross st e of St Mary
Miller Richard, St Mary st n of Ross
Miller Nicholas, liquor shop, Union st e of Penn, avenue
Miller Jacob, cordvvainer, Union st e of Penn, avenue
Miller mrs. Mulberry st e of Pine
Miller Philip, potter, Saratoga st e of Cove
Miller Francis, bricklayer, Saratoga st \v of Schroeder
Miller Lewis, potter, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
Miller Caspar, labourer, Sterling st n of Monument
Miller Henry, rigger, 46 Alice Anna st
Miller Jacob, rigger, 1 Lancaster st w of Market
Miller Zaddock, sailmaker, 18 Fleet st
Miller mrs Margaret, Shakspeare st e of Bond
Miller John, wheelwright, 163 French st
Miller Richard, millwright, Forest st n of Monument
Miller mrs Rebecca, Forest st s of Douglass
Miller John, tavern keeper, Harford avenue n w side
Miller Matthew, shoemaker, Bank lane n side
Miller mrs Elizabeth, Caroline st n of Wolf
Miller Conrad, carter, Lerew's alley
Miller Joshua M. piano room, over 53 Baltimore st
Miller George J. shoestore, 56 Market st
Miller Francis, ropemaker, Market st s of Baltimore
Miller W. &, H proprietors 3 tuns tavern, Pratt st w end
Miller Alexander, clerk. 111 Park st