Director for 1835 MCC
McClellan John, weaver, Franklin st extended
McClelland Robert, tavern keeper, Water st e of the Market
McClelland Samuel, Pine st w side s of Fayette
McClelland John, labourer,cor Happy alley and Wilk street
McCleavy Francis, Columbia st w of Paca
McCloy Jane, Pratt street 6 doors w of Market
McCloy Jane, Pratt st 6 doors w of Market
McCJiesh Capt Archibald, Ann st s of Lancaster
McClintock Matthew, grocer, Short st n of Jefferson
McClure John, shoe store, 63 Harrison street
McClure mrs Amelia, seamstress, Alice Anna st w of Ann
McClure John & Co. grocers, 119 Baltimore street
McColgan Bernard, tavern keeper, 37 Second street
McColgan Edward, grocer, n e cor Bath & Calvert sts
McColgan James, labourer, Davis street near Pleasant
McColgan John, rum and cordial distillery, Saratoga st near
Gay, dw n Calvert street
McColm Matthew, chair manufacturer, 45 South street
McColm mrs Elizabeth, grocer, cor Gough st & Strawberry al.
McColm Alexander, huckster, York street w of Light
McColough Elizabeth, grocer, cor Holland and Eden sts
McComas Ann, 42 Light street
McComas Albert, tailor, cor Maiden lane & East street
McComas A. S. carpenter, Mulberry st n side e of Paca
McComas William, carpenter, Baltimore st e of Pine
+ McComas Richard, drayman, Spring st n of Gough
McComas Corbin, machinist, Hollins st w. p.
McCombs Archibald, carpet weaver, Penn, av s of Biddle st
McConkey John, grocer, n w cor Exeter and Granby sts
McConkey William, Stiles st w of Exeter
McConkey mrs Maria, Mechanics' alley s side
McConkey William, 14 Saratoga street
McConn Richard, flour merchant, Mulberry st n side e of
Paca, store n Howard street
McConn Richard, produce merchant, 117 n Howard st. dw
Park street near Mulberry
McConnell Thomas, dry goods merchant, 12 Harrison st
McConnell John, liquor store, Pratt st 3d door from Frederick
McConnell Elizabeth, boarding house, over 57 Centre Market
McConnelly Sarah, Howard street extended [space
McCord Mark; labourer, French st n of Front
McCormick Patk. tavern keeper, 17 Water st w of the Market
McCormick John, grocer and watchman, Caroline street n of
McCormick, James, Calvert st s of Bath [York
McCormick Margaret, 4 Block street
McCormick William, 4 Monument street
McCormick Samuel, meal seller, Franklin st w of Pine
McCormick Samuel, labourer, 3 cor Castle alley and Fleet st
McCormick Henry, tavern keeper, 17 Franklin street
McCoul George, cabinet maker, ne cor Forest & Douglass sts