MAL Matchett's Baltimore
Maddox Charles T. Barnet st near Sharp
Maddox Thomas, shoemaker, 103 Bond st
Madewell Jno. C. tobacconist, Orleans st 5 doors e of Aisquith
Mtdewell John, tobacconist, Canal st n of Orleans
Maffei Angelo, jewelry and fancy dry goods dealer, 40 Cen-
tre Market space
Magan mrs Sophia, fancy store, 14 e Baltimore st
Magaurin mrs Elizabeth, dry goods and fancy store, Lexing-
Magers Elias, tobacconist, 32 e Pratt st [ton st e of Green
Magness Zachariah, brickmaker, Green st s of Conway
Magness Benjamin, chair maker, corner Bank & Thames sts
Magness James, labourer, Douglass st e of Forrest
Magness James, tailor, Canal st s of M'Elderry
Magness John, merchant tailor, 20 Baltimore st
Magrain mrs Mary, Penn avenue s of Union st
Magraw Susan, grocer, Concord st
Magraw Michael, labourer, 7 Commerce st
+Magree Vincent, Caroline st s of Wilk
Magruder J. S. attorney at law, St Paul st s of Saratoga
Magruder R. B. judge Baltimore County Court, St Paul st s
of Saratoga, dw Saratoga st w of St Paul
Magruder Wm. attorney at law, cor Fayette and St Paul sts
+Magruder Francis, labourer, Short st near Jefferson
+Maguire Patrick, weaver, Franklin st extended
Maguire John, bookbeller, Water st 2d door e of Frederick
Maguire J. L. justice of the peace, 72 s Charles st near Pratt
dw n e corner Lee and Sharp sts
Maguire Dr. 15 s Gay st [near Pleasant
Maguire Michael J. carpenter, 50 n Gay st, dw Holliday st
Mahaney John, bookbinder, 5 s Howard st
Maherner Matthias, 40 Ann st
Mahorney Thomas, bricklayer, Aisquith st s of Orleans
Maiden Jesse, patent balance and scale beam maker, 53 Exe-
ter street, shop 69 Pratt st
Mainly Thomas, second hand clothing store, 45 Second st
+ Maine Andrew, seaman, 124 Wolf st
Mainster Sarah, Eden st s of Pratt
Mainster Israel, rope maker at rope walk, Market st
Mainster Dr. Samuel, High st n of Gay
Major Wm. Thames st w of Bond
Makepeace Royal, agent for Canton company, Salisbury st
between High and Exeter
Malcom P. grain merchant, Wood st Bowly's wharf
Malcom P. tavern keeper, Calvert st n of Fayette
Male Wm. tailor, 201 Bond st
+Males Charles, carter, Potter st n of Douglass
Mallon John, block and pump maker, 3 Cheapside
Maloy Conrad, tailor, Second st w of Gay, dw Exeter st opp.
Methodist Church
Maloy mrs Mary, Baltimore st e of Caroline