Director for 1835 LEE
League Columbus, shoemaker, Cross st near Johnson
League Thomas M. dw 44 s Gay st
League Wm. shoemaker and watchman, Bond st n of Fleet
League George, currier, 8 Cheapside dw Lloyd street 3 doors
s of Salisbury
League Wm. s w corner Lloyd and Water sts
League Luke, sen. shoemaker, Pratt st e of the bridge
League Thomas M. clothier, n w corner Exeter and Water sts
League Luke, dealer in wood, Gough st e of Bond
Leake James, carpenter, Park lane e of Cove st
Leake Adam, tailor, 50 Light st
Leakeman Major, Low st w of Aisquith
Leakin col. Sheppard C. 14 High st
Leakin Andrew T. 10 High st
Leaman C. A. shoe dealer, n w corner Market space and Se-
cond st; dw Aisquith st near Monument
Leaman Washington J. hatter, 26 n Howard st
Leaman Elias P. hat manufacturer, 4 Centre Market space
Leape Henry, High st n of Wilk
Leapp John, carpenter, 15 n Green st
Leatherwood Jno. grocer, n e corner Light & Montgomery sts
+Lebar Ely, hack driver, 40 Park st
Le Barney Nicholas, engineer, William st near Cross
Le Bon, Charles, clothing store, 103 n Howard st
Lebrou Anthony, barber, 22 Thames st
tLebrun Solomon, Bond st n of Wilk
Lechler George E. cordwainer, Eutaw st n of Lexington
Le Cour Adolph, Spanish cigar manufacturer, Pratt street
near the bridge
Lecoumpt Edward, labourer, Douglass st w of East
Leche David, dry goods merchant, 75 Baltimore st
Lackey Jno. Long alley s of Ross st
Lecount Wm. Pratt st w of Gough
Leddin Benjamin, engineer, Constitution st n of French
Leddy John, grocer, s w corner Liberty and Saratoga sts
++Ledgwick Francis, Carpenter's alley
Ledley Daniel, brickmaker, Eutaw st opposite Barre
Ledley Wm. brickmaker, Jefferson row, Conway st
Ledley Jacob, brickmaker, Green st s of Conway
Ledley John, shoemaker, Carpenter's alley near Eutaw st
Ledman Ezekiel, shoemaker, 34 Thames st
Lee J. G. & co. chemists and druggists, 55 C. Market space
Lee Elisha, carriage repository, Holliday st s of Saratoga
Lee Josiah & co. lottery and exchange office, s e corner Bal-
timore and Calvert sts. dw J. L. Charles street near
Lee Daniel, bricklayer, 112 s Sharp st
Lee Wm. dry goods merchant, 79 Baltimore st
Lee William, grocer, on the Susquehanna Rail Road near
the City limits