KRA Matchett's Baltimore
Klassen Charles, saddler, Paca st n of Lexington, dw Lex-
ington st w of Cove
Kleffmin Henry, baker, 33 Union street
Klee Catherine, Potter st s of Douglass
Kleppish Fredk. August, tailor, Park st 1 door from Saratoga
Klein Frederick, baker, 63 Pearl street
Klimple John, tavern, 35 Bond street
Kline Henry, sawyer, Ross st w of Biddle
Klinefelter Henry & Co. lumber mts. Oliver's wharf, dw H.
Klinefelter, Water st 2d door e of Exeter
Klinefelter A. Harford road n of the church
Klockgether, D. wine And grocery, 104 n Howard st
Klunk Peter, carpenter, Union st e of Penn, avenue
Knapp Colby, chemist and druggist, sw cor Pratt street and
Knapp John, baker, Britton st n of Monument [ Dugan's whf
Kneeland Hannah, tailoress, Tripolet's alley
Knight Anthony, fisherman, Cross st near William
Knight Clarissa, huckster, 10 Fish Market
Knight Jacob, shoemaker, 15 Maiden lane
Knight Francis, labourer, Saratoga st e of Cove
Knight Joseph, stove maker, Busy alley
Knight John, Madison st near Howard
Knight J. lottery and exchange office, 13 Centre Market space
Knight Jonathan, shoemaker, 31 Constitution st
Knight Thos, labourer, Light st s of West
Knight Isaac, 41 s Liberty st
Knight Rev. D. A. St Mary's college, Penn av. n of Franklin st
Knight George, fisherman, William st near Cross
Knight Michael, stage driver, Baltimore st w of Pearl
Knight Michael, blacksmith, Baltimore st w end, s side
+Knight Robert, carter, 29 Union st
Knighton Thomas, city bailiff, Aisquith st n of Orleans
Knipe Jacob, silver plater, Centre st e of St Paul
Knipe Sarah, 77 Bond s;
Knorr Wm. rope maker at rope walk, Market st f p
Knott George, carpenter, 131 n Eutaw st
Knotts George P. paper hanger, 3 Market st
Knowles John, hack driver, Ensor st n e of Monument
Knowles James, seaman, Eden st s of Orleans
Knox Wm. Saratoga st w of Cove
Knox Reynolds, Fayette st w of Pine
+Knox Stephen, labourer, Strawberry alley n of Wilk st
Kolb George, boarding house, 94 n Howard st
Konig Frederick, german goods merchant, 4 n Howard st
Konig Elizabeth, 89 s Howard st
Koster Albert, China, glass and Queen3ware store, 13 s Cal-
vert st; dw Charles st 2 doors w of Henrietta
Kraber Daniel, Penn avenue n of Franklin st
Krafft John P. Prussian consul and merchant, 1 Waterloo row
Kraft Elizabeth, victualler, York avenue