Director for 1835 JEN
+Jefferson Thomas, carpenter, Hull's lane n side e of Forest st
+Jefferson Simon J. barber, Light st near York
+Jefferson Philip, labourer, s Eutaw st n of New
+Jefferson Isaac, carter, High sts of Pratt
+Jefferson Thomas, boot black, Sharp st near Lexington
+Jefferson Philip, Eutaw st n of New
+Jeffrey Ann, Exeter st s of French
Jencks T. R. classical school, Charles st n of Saratoga
Jenkins Thomas C. jr. firm Adam Poland & co. hide and lea-
ther dealers, 13 Water st dw 2 Waterloo row
Jenkins Wm. & sons, hide and leather dealers, 4 e Water st
Jenkins Edward jr. firm do dw 4 Water st
Jenkins Lewis A. commission merchant, se corner Commerce
and Water sts dw Reisterstown road
Jenkins Hugh, flour merchant, lower end Commerce st dw
corner Holliday st and Orange alley
Jenkins Robert, ladies' shoemaker, 4 s Gay st
Jenkins Felix, saddle, harness and trunk maker, 10 South st
Jenkins Edw. saddler & harness maker, 48 South st dw 50
Jenkins Thomas, currier, Waterloo row, 1 Calvert st
Jenkins James, Custom House officer, dw Lovely lane near
Calvert street
Jenkins Anthony H. cabinet maker, 18 Light st
Jenkins Lewis Wm. attorney at law, Fayette st 2 doors w of
St Paul, dw 47 s Charles st
Jenkins McCourtney, attorney at law, dw 47 s Charles st
Jenkins Frederick, dw Barnet st
Jenkins Sarah, 52 Pearl st
Jenkins Lewis, Chatsworth st extended
Jenkins Joseph, painter and glazier, Baltimore st betw. Canal
Jenkins Henry, hatter, cor Pitt and Potter sts [& Eden
Jenkins Steigers, grocer, Gay st e of the bridge
Jenkins Thomas, clerk, Ross st extended
Jenkins E milliner, Mott st e side
Jenkins Wm. & son, tanners and curriers, yard York avenue
at 1st mile stone, store Water st near Cheapside
Jenkins mrs Walter, 21 German st
Jenkins Edward and son, saddlery store, 148 Baltimore st
Jenkins James, tobacconist, 25 Market st
Jenkins Ann, Conway st near Eutaw
Jenkins Thomas, chair maker, Exeter st n of Baltimore
Jenkins capt. B. J. 52 Exeter st
+Jenkins Margaret. Salisbury st n side w of Harford run
+Jenkins ———, Hoffman st w of Ross
+Jenkins Samuel, stevadore, Alice Anna st w of Wolf
+Jenkins Joshua, labourer, Strawberry alley n of Fleet st
Jenks Eliza, seamstress, Maiden lane 4 doors w of Aisquith st
Jenney Charles, seaman, Thames st e of Block
Jennings Michael, tavern keeper, 15 Fish Market
Jennings Michael, huckster, Harford road n of the Church