Director for 1835. JAM
Jackson George, carpenter, Long alley s of Saratoga st
Jackson Stephen M. merchant, ne cor German & Green sts
Jackson Samuel, Baltimore st w of Caroline
Jackson mrs Mary, Pierce st E of Chatsworth
Jackson Aaron, liquor store, Saratogo st E of Shroeder
Jackson Alexander I. W. printer & Capt, of Night watch, dw
Jackson Wm. shoemaker, 177 French street [88 Sterling st.
Jackson Jonathan,'constable, Caroline st s of York
Jackson William, grocer, cor Orleans & Eden sts
Jackson miss S. Conway st w of Sharp
Jackson James, shoemaker, Front st s of Low
Jackson Elizabeth, upholsterer, High st n of Water
Jackson Jacob, ship carpenter, Happy alley n of Wilk st
+Jackson Eliza, washer, Bounty alley n of Caroline st
+Jackson John, carter, cor Ann and Bank sts
+Jackson Willis, cordwainer, Hamilton st near St. Paul
+Jackson Elijah, Wagon alley n of Liberty street
+Jackson Daniel, miller, Ensor st near Monument
+Jackson James, caulker, Alice Anna st w of'Wolf
+Jackson Julia A. Moore alley w of Eutaw street
+Jackson Isaac, ship carpenter, Happy al. n of Alice Anna st
+Jackson William, labourer, Sarah Ann st w of Chatsworth
+Jackson Nathan, labourer, Eden sts of Baltimore
+Jackson Wesley, labourer, Biddle alley w of Ross st
+Jackson Thomas, labourer, Montgomery st near Charles
+Jackson Shadrach, sawyer, Douglass st w of Forest
++Jackson R. brickmaker, Commons n of Spring Gardens
Jacob Samuel, grocer, S Baltimore street
Jacob Jane, 15 Market street
Jacob George, watchmaker, 58 n Howard street
Jacobs Robert T. 77 n Liberty street
Jacobs John F. labourer, Hill st near Hanover
+Jacobs Nathan, labourer, Pine st n of Mulberry
+Jacobs Elias, painter and glazier, Mulberry st n of Park
Jacobson Henry G. Spanish consul, 202 Baltimore st dw 74
s Sharp street
Jacques Lewis, bookkeeper, cor Aisquith and Cornet streets
Jail Baltimore County, n e cor Madison & Beuren sts
Jakes William, general agent, Mott street E side
+Jakes Frederick, 11 s Calvert st, dw Park st betw Richmond
and Madison streets
Jamart Michael, proprietor of Exchange Coffee house, 40
Water street w of Gay
James Samuel, clerk, cor Centre & Fish Market space.
James Amos, 79 s Eutaw street
James John, tin manufacturer, 62 South street
James Levi, sen. and jr. boat builders, near cor Washington
and Fountain streets
James St. 1st African Protestant Episcopal church & school,
n e cor Saratoga and North streets