Director for 1835 FLE
Fisher Henry, baker. Pratt st 2d door e of the bridge
Fisher John, superintendent of streets and pumps, 3 Stiles st
Fisher Martin, Mulberry st w of Pearl
Fisher Abraham, merchant. Franklin st e of Cove
Fisher Wm. dry goods mt. 223 Balt, st; dw Pascault's row
Fisher Charles & Co. importers of German goods, 274 Balti-
more st; dw Chas. F. Fayette st bet Howard & Liberty
Fisher John A. shoemaker, cor Aisquith and Douglass sts
Fisher Martin, lockfemith, 104 n Eutaw st
Fisher Wm. blacksmith, York st near Charles
Fisher Wm. plasterer, Charles st near York
Fisher James plasterer, Charles st near York
Fisher John W. carpenter, 54 s Howard st
Fisher Dr. Wm. 40 Albermarle st
++Fisher Levin, labourer, Aisquith st s of Jefferson
+Fisher Edward, labourer, Sharp st bet Lexington & Saratoga
Fitch Jonathan, grocer, cor Exeter and Gay sts
Fitchett Wm. A. carpenter, Alice Anna st e of Caroline
File Conrad R. Sharp st bet German and Lombard sts
Fitzgerald James, ropemaker, William st near Cross
Fitzgibbon P. J. grocer, 8 Dugan's wharf; dw 61 High st
Fitzgibbon Thomas, bookseller, 51 Pearl st
Fitzgibbon Maurice, cooper, Camden st near Light
Fitzhugh John, huckster, 13 Water st w of the market
Fitzgerald John B. Franklin st near Charles
Fitzgerald Mary, Long alley s of Ross st
Fitzgerald John, ropewalk, Light st near Hamburg
Fitzgerald Nancy, Still House st
Fitzgerald Samuel, tanner, Sarah Ann st w of Cove
Fitzpatrick John, proprietor of Washington Exchange livery
stables, Water st bet Market space and Frederick st
Fitzpatrick Thomas, grocer and grain mt. 22 Light st wharf
Fitzpatrick John, lime mt. Hollingsworth and Grant sts: dw
52 York st
Fitzpatrick Wm. grocer, Sugar alley near Charles st
Fitzpatrick Dennis, Columbia st near Cove
Fitzsimmons Redmanlon, Mulberry st e of Cove
Fitzsimmons Charles, mate, n e cor Fleet and Wolf sts
Flack James & Son, rectifyers, Guilford st bet Franklin lane
and South st
Flack James dw Fayette st w of Howard
Flack Thomas J. dw Fayette st e of Exeter
Flack Andrew, grocer, Lexington st w of Pine
Flaherty Morgan, labourer, s w cor Spring and Wilk sts
Flamer John, 46 Lerew's alley
+Flamer Nancy, Spring st s of Pratt
Fleetwood Slanley H, attorney at law, 2 St Paul's st; dw 63
Lombard st
Fleetwood Francis, baker, s w cor Bank and Bond sts
+Fieetwood Wm. Pleasant st near Park