Gordon James, huckster, 113 Howard st
Gordon Alexander, dry goods merchant, cor
Hanover and Camden sts
Gordon John H. chair maker and grocer, SE cor
Water and South sts
Gordon mrs seamstress, w Falls av
Gordon Geo. laborer, Harford avenue
Gordon Wm. tobacconist, Mulberry st w of Pine
+Gordon Benj. sawyer, Low st w of Aisquith
Gore Wm. sen. millwright, Richmond st near
Gore Wm. millwright, 70 French st
Gorman John, seaman, cor Bank st and Happy
Gorman James,tavern keeper, cor Pratt and Com-
merce sts
Gorman Tho. tailor, Fawn st 2d door w of Exeter
Gorman Michael, butcher, Orleans st near Forest
Gorman Nicholas, weaver, Pierce st near Cove
Gorman John, weaver, Mulberry st extended
Gorsuch Jena, carpenter, 78 N High ihop oppos.
Gorsuch Mr. 126 N Howard st
Gorsuch L. F. hatter. 78 1/2 Baltimore st
Gorsuch Samuel, ship carpenter, s end Wash-
ington st
Gorsuch Nicholas, Hillen near Potter
Gorsuch John, house carpenter, 58 Ann st
Gorsuch James, ship carpenter, Argyle alley
near Fleet st
Gorton mrs Phebe, 51 E Baltimore st
Gosnell Wm. huxter, Harford avenue
Gosnell L. W. over 17 N Howard st
Gosnell & Hambleton, dry goods merchants, 3
N Howard st
Gosnell Talbot, N Eden near Pitt st
Gossick mrs Mary, seamstress, Apple alley near
Pratt st
Gott mrs Sarah, seamstress, Hartford near Gough
Gott Thomas J. dry goods merchant, 49 Balti-
more st
Gott Thom. J. dry goods merchant, 39 Market
st. dw 25 N High st
+Gott Priscilla,Shakspeare st near Market st
Gottlieb Karl, cabinet maker, Baltimore st B of
Gotz mrs Rahael confectioner, 15 s Howard st
+Gough Francis Ann, seamstress, Enter st
Gould Alex. victualler, Light st s of West
Gould James, victualler, Light st s of West
Gould M. boot and shoemaker, Baltimore st
of Cove
Gould James F. teacher, (academy, Lexington st)
dw 45 s Charles st
Gould James, fancy store, 202 Baltimore st. dw
25 s Howard st
Gould John, clothing store, 34 s Calvert st
+Gould Elizabeth, washer, Saratoga st w of Green
+Gould Richard, sawyer, Eden st near Bank
+Gould John, laborer, Mulberry st near Pearl
+Gould Richard, sawyer, Gough st
Goulsbrow Richard, ship carpenter, Wolf st near
Gourdon Ferdinand, 70 Camden st
Gover Samuel H. furniture store, cor Second and
Frederick sts
Govens Daniel, feedstore, 60 N Gay st near Potter
Gover George, lottery merch. 76 Pitt st
Gowan John, confectioner, 42 w Lexington st
+Goy Francis, laborer, Richmond st
Grace mrs Priscilla, Goiigh st near Spring
+Grace James, laborer, Happy alley, s of Wilk st
Gracen George, laborer, William st near Gross
Gracy Wm. laborer, French st near Potter
Gracy John, carpenter, NE cor Aisquith and Or-
leans St
Gracy Henry, carpenter, Aisquith st 2d door N
of Orleans
Graf Frederick, com. mer. 38 s Gay st
Graff John, tailor, Market space, dw 6 Thames st
Graff mrs Araminta,general boarding house, Ann
near Fleet st
Grafton Mark, boot and shoemaker, 2 Hanover st
Indian Queen tavern, dw Fayetle st E of
Liberty st
Graham Hamilton, first accountant in bank of
Maryland, dw Pratt st E of Exeter
Graham Wm. sea capt. E Baltim. st near s Exeter
Graham mrs Elizabeth, 3 Constitution st near
Graham Patrick, laborer at glass house