Glanden mrs Sarah, milliner, 62 s Charles st
Glanville mrs Mary, tailoress, cor Charles and
Conway sts
Glasby John, carpenter, 58 Alice Anna st
Glassgow Wm. grocery and liquor store,cor Pratt
and Howard sts
Glasler J. blacksmith, SE cor, East and French sts
Glass Isaac, shoemaker, 26 Fleet st
Gleason mrs Mary, boarding house, 64 Light st
Glenn Wm. inn keeper, Fleet st near Caroline
Glenn Robert, grocer and liquor store, NW cor
Forest & Low its
Glenn Hon. Elias, judge of district court, Saratoga
st w of Cove
Glenn Wm. city watchman, Columbia st w end
Glenn mrs Rachel, tailoress, Alice Anna st near
Happy alley
Glenn mrs Cornelia, Fleet st near Strawberry al.
Glenn John, attorney at law, Courthouse lane, dw
N Charles st. between Lexington and Fay-
ette sts.
Glenn Hon. Elias judge of district court, dw w
Fayette st w of St. Paul's
Glosen mr Cenway st betw. Sharp & Hanover sts
Goddard Charles, exchange stables, Hanover st
dear Lombard
Goddard Charges, tavern keeper, Lombard st E of
Hanover st
Godfrey John, gardiner, Hooks town road near
city limits
Godman Jeff, butcher, Hooks town road
Crodman Brutus, butcher, Hooks town road
Godman mrs, teacher, 73 N Green st
Gohegan mrs Rebecca, milliner, Dutch alley, w
of Howard st
Gold mrs Mary Ann, tailoress, Addison st near
Gold James, teacher, s Charles N of Pratt st
Gold capt. Paul, 50 s Charles st
Goldcapt. Peter, 51 s Charles st
Gold capt Joseph, 23 Charles st
+Gold Mary, Mulberry st near Pearl
Golden Jeffery, laborer, N Exeter st near French
+Golden Wm. boot maker, 55 Wagon alley
Golder Robert, paper hanger, 75 N Green st
Golder Robert, paper hangings merchant, dw
Green st
Golder Archibald, importer and manufacturer of
paper hangings, 171 Baltimore st
+Golder Robert, grocer, SE cor Howard st and
Bottle alley
Goldsborough Richard, ship carpenter, Wolfst
near Wilk
Goldsborough Nicholas, dry goods merchant, d\v
w Eutaw near Fayette st
+Goldsbury D Ross st
Goldsmith S. R. dry goods merchant, Maryland
Goldsmith mrs Elizabeth, Lee st w of Light
Goldsmith mrs Mary, 40 w Fayette st
Goldsmith J. painter and glazier, 11 w Lexing-
ton st
Golibart Joseph, cooper, 28 Alice Anna st
Golibart Joseph, jr. cooper, NW cor Fleet and
Ann sts
Golt John, house carpenter, 76 Front st
Good Barnard, carter, 30 N Exeter st
Good mrs Sarah, milliner, 149 Bond st
Goodacre Daniel, bricklayer, 73 Albemarle st
Good hand mrs Margaret, 4 s Exeter st
Goodman John, comb maker, 80 Conway st. dw
105 Eutaw st
Goodrich Thomas C. steamboat hotel, 60 w Pratt
Goodrich mrs Susan, seamstress,73 Albermarle st
Goodwin Caleb, ship carpent. Stiles st near High
Goodwin M. sw cor Calvert and Mulberry sts
Goodwin Caleb,w Fayette st opposite McLean's
Goodwin Flanigan & Co. ship carpenters ship
yard, foot of Mill st
Goodwill W. writing master, 94i Baltimore st
Goodwin Nathaniel, ship carpenter, Ann near
Fleet st
+Goodwin Grace, Park et
+Goodwin Thomas, laborer, Park st
Gordon Charles, rope maker, Bank st near Ar-
gyle alley
Gordon Joseph, shoemaker, Union alley near N
Eden st
Gordon Joseph, cooper, Mulberry st near Eutaw