Mail Establishment & Stages,
As they stand and at the present time, but as there are fre-
quent changes, no permanent account tan be given.
Closes at 9 o'cl'k P. M. and arrives at from S to 6 P.M.
Closes at 3 P. M. and arrives at 5 A. M.
For all places west of Union Town and for Frederick,
Hagers Town, Cumberland, closes at 10 P. M and ar-
rives at 3P. M. All other places in Maryland, Vir-
ginia and Pennsylvania, which go by that route close at
9 P.M.
Chambersburg mail closes at 9 P. M. and arrives at
7 P. M.
regulation of the different Lines of Stages
running from the office of Stockton & Stokes,
attached to the City Hotel
The Mail Coach to Philadelphia, departs every day
at 1 o'clock, P. M. during the winter season, or suspen-
sion of steam-boats.
The Mail, via York, to Harrisburg and Lancaster,
Pa. departs every day. This Coach during the sus-
pension of steam-boats, runs to Philadelphia, travelling
the whole distance over a turnpike road.
The Mail for Washington City, and four accommo-
dation lines, depart every morning at 3 and 8 1-2 o'clock
A.M.— and 2 and 4 o'clock, P. M.
The Mail for Wheeling, via Fredericktown, Ha-
gerstown, Cumberland, &c. departs every morning at
5 o'clock, going through in 48 hours curing the summer,
and 60 hours during the winter season. There is also
a line of Poet Coaches established ou this route, for the
purpose of accommodating those travellers who may
wish to cross the mountains with ease, travelling the
entire route by day-light, going through in three and a
half days.
The Mail for Winchester, Va. by way of Harper's
Ferry, departs on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
from Frederick, immediately upon the arrival of the
Cars from Baltimore
The Mail for Shepherdstown, Martinsburg, &c. de-
parts every day, (Sunday excepted) from Frederick,
immediately upon the arrival of the Can from Balti-
The Mail for Emmittsburgh, departs on Tuesday and
Thursday, from May until November, at 3 o'clock in
the morning.
The mail for Annapolis, departs every morning at 8
o'oclock during the session of the Legislature, and 3
times a week during the season ,
STOCKTON & STOKES, proprietor.
Phenix Line Stage Office, under Peal's Museum,
No. 2 N. Calvert st. near Barnum's City Hotel; at the
General Stage Office, next door to the Indian Queen Ho-
tel, and at Seltzhoover's Fountain Inn, Light steeet.
Hours of departure — daily for Washington, at 3 o'.
clock, A. M 8 1-2 A, M.— 2 P. M.— 4 P. M.— For
Wheeling, at 6 1-2 A. M. For Pittsburgh 7 o'clock
A. M. for Philadelphia, every Monday Wednesday and
Friday, at 5 o'clock A. M.
Hours for delivering Letters. — Daring the weeks
from 7 o'clock, A. M. until sun-down, during the win-
ter. The office is opened on Sundays from half past
7, until half past 8 A. M. and one hour after the arrival
and assortment of the Eastern mail in the afternoon;
and in summer, from 7 to 8 A. M.
Unpad Letters are received into the office through
an aperture in the side window — Paid letters most be
handed to the clerk, on the right hand, passing into the
A li»t cf Letters remaining in the office on the 1st
and 15th of each month, is advertised, and if not called
for in three months, they are sent to the General Post
Office, as dead letters.
TIMORE STAGES, start from H. Habberset's Crow
Keys Tavern, Every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday,
at 5 o'clock, A. M. and returns every intermediate day,
at 6 P. M. Fare to Song's tavern, 87 1-2 cents, and
$4 50 through, except when the navigation is froze. —
Dr. David King, agent for the company Baltimore.
Citizens' Union or Rail Road Line leaves the low-
er end Bowlr's Wharf, South street, for Phila. every
morning at 6 o'clock, and afternnoon, except Sunday, at
half past 2 o'clock. Boats of this line are the Carroll of
Carrollton, Capt, Chaytor; Geo. Washington, Capt.
Trippe ; and Independence, Capt. Pearce.
Hugh McElderry, Agent.
See Advertisement in front for particulars.
The People's Line for Philadelphia, via Chesapeake
via Chesapeake
and Delaware canal, learn Light st wharf opposite No.
8, every morning at 6 o'clock; the boats are the Ken-
tucky. Capt..D. Robinson, and the Ohio, Capt. W.
Whildim, Jr. S. McLellan agent.
For particulars see Advertisement in front.