Banking House of J. I. Cohen, Jr. and
No. 114, Baltimore-street. On Saturdays and Holli-
days, no paper will be discounted, or other business
transacted. On those days, however, the BANKING
HOUSE willl be open for the payment of Checks, Drafts
and Notes, and for receiving deposits.
Susquehanna Bridge and Bank Company ,
Port Deposite.
The officers of this company, are William H. Free-
man, President; Thomas L Savin, Cashier; Wm. E.
Coale, Cashier of the office in Baltimore.
Directors, Samuel Rowland, Henry S. Stiles, Cecil
county; Henry Stump, Zepheniah Bayles, Harford eo.,
Charles F. Mayer, Charles W. Karthaus, Weslcy
Cowles, Chauncey Brooks, Robert Purviance, jr. Balti-
more City.
Franklin Savings Company.
Corner Pratt and South sts. David Stewart president;
Pheonix N. Wood treasurer.
Mechanics' s Savings Fund Society.
Abraham G. Cole, president; Thomas Pheuix, trea-
surer, corner Eutaw and Market streets.
Eastern Savings Institution.
Corner Gay and Fayette sts. John S. Gettings presi-
dent; J. Pinkney treasurer.
Commercial Savings Institution.
Corner Holliday and Market sts. John Clark presi-
dent; John Morgan treasurer.
Fell's Point Savings Institution.
Thames st S. C. Leakin President; Woelper
Foreign Consuls in Baltimore.
J, J. Hoogewerff, Consul of the Netherlands, Gay
st. south of Water.
Thomas J. Bizouard, Consul for his holiness the Pope,
30. N. Franklin st. West of Eutaw.
Christian Mayen Consul General of the King of
Wurtemberg, at the Neptune Insurance office in the
R. Henry, French Consular Agent, 40, S. Gay st.
H. G. Jacobson, Danish Consul, Lexington street
near Paca st.
Stephen Lawson, Swedish and Norwegian Consul,
No. 2, Buchanan's wharf.
J. P. Kraft. Prussian Consul, Gay st. south of Water.
Manuel Valdor, Spanish and Sardinia Consul, and
Vice Consul for the kingdom of the two Sicillies, 51,
Marsh Market Space.
Frederick C. Graf, Consul for Hamburg. No. 38.
S. Gay street.
John Crawford, British Consul, Fayctte st. near Me-
chanics' Bank.
C. A. Heineken, Consul for Bremen, S. Charles st.
Charles Tiernan, Mexican Vice Consul, N Charles
George H. Newman, Brazilian Vice Consul, No. 47
S. Gay street,
S. Wilson, Vice Consul of Portugal Bowly's wharf.
Insurance Offices.
Maryland Insurance Co. A Wallace, president.
Baltimore Insurance Co Henry Thompson, pres.
Neptune Int. Co. Christian Maver, pres.
Baltimore Equitable Society, for insuring houses
against fire. Office, No. 18 Baltimore st. Joseph
Townsend, treasurer.
Baltimore Fire Ins. Co. Office No. 12 South st. W.
A. Tucker, president.
Firemen's In. Co. John Reese, president, T. G.
Butter, secretary. Office No. 25 Second st.
American Int. Co. A. J. Schwartz, president.
Baltimore Life Ins. Co. J. I. Donaldson, pres.
United States Ins. Co. Office in South st. opposite
Lovely lane. Peter Neff, pres.
Commercial News Room.
Mr. Page's Commercial News and Reading Room,
in the Exchange, is open for subscribers and respecta-
ble strangers introduced by subscribers only, every day
from 6 o'clock in the morning, till 6 o'clock at night.
Baltimore and Susquehanna R. R. Co.
Geo. Winchester,Esq. President Office in Exchange
Baltimore and Ohio Rail-Road Co.
P. E. Thomas president Office corner of Calvert
and Fayette streets, over the Mechanics' Bank.
Trustees of the Alms-House.
Joseph Cushing, president; Archibald Sterling, James
Mowton, Frederick Schaeffer, Joha Kelso, Benjamin
Palmer. Joshua Hutchins, Caleb D. Owens, agent; office.
Comer of Hillen and Front streets.