Union Bank of Maryland, cor N Charles and Fay-
ette sts
Union glass company store, 36 a Calvert st. Geo.
Chapman, agent
United States Insurance Co. of Baltimore, Peter
Neff, presid. and J. J. Atkinson, secret.
South st opposite Lovely lane
University of Maryland, formerly Baltim. College,
Mulberry st opposite the Cethedral, Rev.
C. Williams, principal academical depart-
ment, dvv cor Franklin & Park sts
Unverzagt T. shoemaker, s Howard st near Peace
Upperman mrs Mary, seamstress, Pinkney st
near Bond
Upperman miss Ann, 12 Bath st
Upperman Thomas, chair maker, Sugar alley
Urica Eli, cigar maker, George st near Pine
Urie James, boarding house, 3 Bond st
Usher John, Sterling st
Usher Thomas L. teacher, Penn, avenue N of St
Mary's st
Uthmann Anthony, tailor, Cowpen alley
goods, 22 N Front st
++ Valentine Anna, Peach alley
Valiant mrs. 9 Mercer st
Valiant J. & R. grocers and commission merch.
11 Light st wharf
Valiant R Hanover st near Barre
Valiant J. Hanover st near Barre
Valiant George, fish inspector, near the intersec-
tion of Liberty & German sts
Valiant Doctor John A. near the intersection of
Liberty & German sts
Valiant John, coardwainer, SE cor Fawn and
High sts
Valiant James, hatter, N Gay st near Mott
Vailed Joseph, tailor, 6 N High st, dw 65 Pitt st
Vallette Emily Jane, dw Fayette st near Assem-
bly Rooms
Vallette Victor, of the firm of Martin & Vallette,
dw 66 Baltimore st
Vahbergen, Wm. carpenter, cor Chatsworth &
Pine sts
Van Bibber —— , attorney at law, cor St, Paul's
st & Dark lane
Vance Wm. plane maker, 10 N Charles st. dw
Lexipgton st E of Charles
Vance Tho. custom house boatman, Spring st
near Bank
Vance mrs Margaret, seamstress, 39 Fleet st
Vance Jane, grocer, Ann st near Fleet
Vandegrift mrs Jane, seamstress, Monument at
near Constitution
Vanorsdel John M. carpenter, Aisquith st near
Vandervoort mrs. fancy store,d\v 157 w Baltim. st
Vandervoort R. B. 157 Baltim. st
Van Haggan Henry, seaman, Strawberry al near
Fleet st
Vanhorn Fielding, carver cor Gay and Water sts
Van Ness W. J. grocer, 18 Centre Market space
Vansant Cornelius, boarding house, 7 South st
Vansant Joseph, hatter, 8 Canal st near E Balto.
Vansant John, Eutaw st near Conway
Van Tyne J. P. hat and fur dealer, 17 N Howard st
Vaughan mrs Elizabeth, Mulberry st w of Col-
lege alley
Vermillion James, painter & glazier, Pitt st near
the run
Vernetson Wm. 2d hand clothing store, 36 Se-
cond st
Vernon Daniel, tailor, Ross st near Biddle
Verot Rev. A. St Mary's college
Vicary Henry, bookseller and binder, 50 w Pratt st
Vicary Thomas, 44 s High st
Vichmayer Daniel, grocery and liquor store,cor
Long alley & New st
Vickers Jesse, chair maker, Falls st near Beuren
Vickers capt. Joel, merch. Commerce st whf. dw
71 w Pratt st
Vickers G A. & Co. comm. merch. Commerce st
whf. dw 71 w Pratt st
Vickers J. oyster house, M'Clellan st
+ Victor Oculay, hairdresser, 9 Marsh Market sp.
Victory mrs Julian, grocery store, 71 w Pratt st
Victory Daniel, innkeeper, 16 Market st F. P.