Tapper Lewis B. E Pratt st near Harford run
Turell mr. cigar manufacturer, 30 Franklin st
Turfield mrs Mary, Bottle al w of Sharp st
Turnbull Alex. Charles st & 227 Market st
Turnbuil misses, young ladies boarding shool, N
Charles st opposite Barnet
Turnbull Dr. D. lecturer on anatomy,class room,
Paca st near Fayette, dw Liberty st
Turner Isaac, butcher, NW cor Bond & Bank sts
Turner Joshua, butcher, Holland st near Harford
Turner Nathan, butcher, Holland st near Harford
Turner Henry, shoemaker, Bottle al w of Sharp st
Turner Joseph, jun. lumber merch. 28 Light st
wharf, dw Charles st
Turner Thomas W. accountant, Conway st near
Turner Caleb, innkeeper, 81 Hanover st
Turner Joshua, comm. merch. flour & feed store,
30 Pratt st head of Frederick st dock
Turner Joshua & Son, grocery and feed store, 58
N Gay st.
Turner Matthew, city bailiff, York st
Turner Thomas, watchman, NW cor Beuren and
Falls sts
Turner John, lime store, 58 N Gay st
Turner mrs Elizabeth, 187 French st
Turner mrs Elizabeth, Comet st
Turner Edward W. clerk, Comet st
Turner Henry, victualler, Holland st E of Har run
Turner Caleb, ship-joiner, Har av
Turner Thomas, carpenter, Ensor st
Turner David, painter, Ross st
Turner Lewis, butcher, Hookstown road
Turner, John, Hookstown road
Turner mrs Margaret, St Paul's st
Turner George, fisherman, William st w of Cross
Turner Charles H. carpenter, Franklin row near
Cove st
Turner Joshua, laborer, at glass house
Turner Isaac, blacksmith, Light st s of Armistead
++Turner Mary, Hookstown road
Turpin Joshua, shoemaker, Goodwin alley
Tutums Henry laborer, Harford avenue
Tuttle mrs Mary, boarding house, N Calvert st
Tuxworth George W. bookbinder, Constitution st
Tweedall James, reed maker, Green st between
Fayette and Baltimore
Twiffer James, shoemaker, Saratoga st w of Pine
Twig Thomas, shoemaker, Biddle al near Ross st
Twynham Geo. carter, 40 s Liberty st
Tyler capt. Daniel M. w end Philpot st
Tyler G. K, druggist 25 E Baltimore st
Tyler Daniel, blacksmith, Philpot st N end
+Tynes Geo. laborer, 18 Pratt st
Tyson Wm. A. comm. merch. 77 Bowly's wharf,
dw 1 Caroline st
Tyson John S. attorney at law, 6 Courtland st
Tyson Wm. dw Lombard st w of Sharp
Tyson & Norris, flour merch. 7 Spear's wharf
Tyson Isaac, Sen. merch. and miller, 3 Cable st
near Commerce, dw Pratt st w of Sharp
Tyson & Fisher, chemists and druggists, 192 Bal-
timore St
Tyson mrs Ann, Lerew's alley near Saratoga st
Tyson Thomas, grocer in general, cor Pratt and
Hanover sts
Tyson Isaac, jun. merchant, Lombard st w of
Tyson Nathan, flour merch. lower end of Patter-
son's wharf
Tyson & Littlefield, commission merch. 79 Bow-
ly's wharf
Tyson Jonathan, of the above firm, dw Eutaw st
3d door s of Pratt
Tyson Jacob, 97 s Eutaw st
UHLER ERASMUS.cor Green & German sts
Uhler George, hatter, 113 Sharp st
Uhler George W. hat manufacturer, 49 w Pratt st
dw 113 Sharp st
Uhlhorn Rev. Johannes, pastor of German Luth.
Cong. 70 Sharp st
Uhlhorn Gerrett, liquor store, Pratt st near bridge
+ Uncles Isaac, blacksmith, Asbury lane
Underwood Joshua, dairyman, cor South and
Water sts
Underwood Enoch, engineer, Constitution st
Union manufacturing com. of Maryland, ware-
house 9 s Charles st