Scanlan James, cooper, Horse st
Scarff George, plaisterer, 102 N Eutaw st
Scarley Edward, butcher, Market space F. P
Scarborough Abraham, sra capt. 39 Fleet st
Scharfer Jacob, mariner, Albermarle st near Stiles
Schadffer mrs Catherine, grocery store, Penn av.
Schaeffer mrs F. M. 9 s Eutaw st
Schaeffer C. A. Charles st w side N of Mulberry
Schaeffer Baltzer, 4 Frederick st
Schaeffer William A. justice of the prace,G N Fred-
crick St
Schaeffer John, 4 n Frederick st
Schaper Wm. A. turnor in general, 7 Commerce st
Scharff mrs Elizabeth, 62 N Frederick st
Scharp Henry, laborer, Strawberry alley, near
Wilk st
Schart mrs A. fancy dross maker, 33 w Pratt st
Schaub Henry, grocer, w Pratt st w of Cove
Schaub Jacob, grocer, Baltimore st w of Cove
Scheerer Wm. cabinet. maker, York st
Schetter F. dw 83 St. Paul's st. store5 s Charles st
Scheumburg Adeline S. Saratoga st w of Pine
Schick Joint, plasterer, St. Mary's st near Pen av.
Schumck Philip, butcher, Harford avenue
Schimp J A. bootmaker, 23 Howard st
Schleogh John G. baker, 53 s Howard st
Schley mrs Jacob, Franklin st s side w of Chas.
Schlisselberger Barton, well digger, Tyson's al.
near Cathedral st
Schmidt mrs Maria, milliner, 3 Holliday st
Schminker George, accountant, Conway st near
Hanover st
Schmolfin Philip, cabinet maker, 16 Mercer st
Schnell Nicholas, bourding house, and liquor store
64 Albermarle st
Schoolfield L. A. lottery and exchange office, 34
Baltimore st
Schorb Andrew, 111 N Howard st
Schroeder William, merchant, Franklin st E of
Schroeder C. German hotel, Bond near Fleet st
Schroeder mrs Elizabeth, boarding house, 15 s
Howard st
Schroeder John, shoemaker, 100 1/2 Baltimore st. dw
Albemarle st
Schroeder Peter,Pierce st
Schroeder Wm. merchant, Franklin st E of Pine
Schroeder Henry, merch. Schroeder st betw Sara-
toga and Franklin sts
Schrot mrs Catherine, seamstress, w Baltimore st
w of Cove
Schrote John, baker, Lunn's lane
Schrote Matthias, shoemaker, N Paca st near
New st
Schuminghan Peter, rigger, 25 Shakspeare st
Schunk mrs Ellen, boarding house, French st
near N Front st
Schuyler Anthony H. lottery and exchange office,
168 Calvert st
Schwalbe F. W. tailor, SE cor Pratt and High sts
Schwartz Dr. E. cor Sharp st and Bottle alley
Schwarzauer Daniel, Federal hill
Schwatka Augustus, Long al between Lexington
and Saratoga sts
Schwatka Charles A. jr. blacksmith, cor Long al.
and Saratoga st
Scobey mis Ann, Baltimore st w of Cove
Scoggins Jacob, shoemaker, Light st
Scotchburn Thomas, rope walk and dw Har av
Scotchburn Thoin. patent cord manufacturer, cor
of Cheapside and Pratt sts
Scott T. & R. grocers and flour merch. 130 N Gay
st. dw 87 N Exeter st
Scott James, 91 Pratt st
Scott George, baker, Aisquith st near Orleans
Scott Philip, plasterer, Harford avenue
Scott Wm. tailor, Mott st E side
Scott Geo. carpenter, Union st near Ross
Scott Patrick, carpenter, Franklin st extended
Scott T Parkin, attorney at law, 8 St. Paul's st
Scott James, grocer, NW cor Fleet st and Apple
Scott Samuel, grocer, NE cor Baltimore st and
Strawberry alley
Scott mrs Ann, seamstress. Spring st near Pratt
Scott John, shoemaker, 17 E Baltimore st
Scott Richard, baker, n Eden st near Silver
Scott James, shoemaker, Beard st near Caroline
Scott Wm. coachmaker, Beard st near Strawber-
ry alley