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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1833
Volume 492, Page 132   View pdf image (33K)
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132 MIL——to——MIT

+Miller James, brickmaker, cor Conway st and
Centre lane
+Miller Henry, laborer, w Fayette st
+Miller Peter, drayman, Hanover st
+Miller James, laborer, Charles st
+Miller Margaret, n Frederick st
+Miller Lloyd, laborer, Hill st
Milligan James H. umbrella and cane factory, sw
cor South and Water sts
Milliman miss Isabella, milliner, 15 Potter st
Miliman mrs Mary, tailoress, 15 Potter st
Millington John N. printer, 86 Pitt st
Milliron Samuel F. constable, E Mulberry st
Mills Richard, hatter, 54 Gough st
Mills mrs Elizabeth, Mechanics' row near the run
Mills Wm. shoemaker, s side Lexington market
Mills Wm. P. merchant tailor, 99 Baltimore st.
Mills Wm. baker, 80 Block st
Mills rnrs Mary, umbrella maker, 52 Harrison st
Mills mrs Thomas, cor German and Hanover sts
Mills John, boot and shoemaker, 66 s Charles st
Mills mrs Penelope, 65 Fleet st
Mills mrs Susanna, 68 Market st F. P.
Mills Charles, file maker, Beuren st near Mont-
gomery St
Mills Ezekiel, bailiff, Potter st near Gay
Mills Theodore, carpenter, Pine st extended
Mills Robert, teacher, Saratoga st w of Cove
Mills William, teacher, Mulbery st near Pine
Mills David, tinner, Saratoga st w of Cove
Mills Malachi, carpenter, Park lane near Balt, st
Mills Wm. cooper, s Eutaw st
+Mills York, Franklin st extended
+Mills York, boot black, under 7 s Calvert st
Miltenberger & Warner, dry goods merchants,
59 Lexington st. dw A. M. Conway st ex-
+Milver Elijah, Sarah Ann st near Ccve
Mime Seth, house painter N Gay st. near Aisquith
Mimman George, butcher, Harford avenue
Mince Joseph, NE cor Bank and Spring sts.
Minehan mrs Catherine. 61 s Frederick st
Minehan Patrick, currier, 61 s Frederick st
Mine n John, laborer, cor Stiles st & Bishop's al.

+Mingo Sarah, Scott st s end
+Mingo James, Happy alley
Minneck John, shoemaker,Saratoga st w of Cove
Minton watchman, Hampstead st near
Mintzell Henry, baker, N Exeter near Low
Minze Ed. turner, 7 Canal st near E Baltimore
Missell Joseph, laborer, 173 French st
Mister Abraham, grocer and com. mer.. 14 cor
Light and Camden sts. dw 140 Hanover st
Mister Levin, waterman, 152 Hanover st
Mitchell Elisha, laborer, Lancaster st
Mitchell Joseph, stage driver, 62 Front st
Mitchell William, innkeeper, NE cor Front &
Low sts
Mitchell John, ship carpenter, Granby st near
Harford run
Mitchell Richard, ship carpenter, Granby st near
Harford run ,
Mitchell John, harness maker, Harford avenue
Mitchell Alexander, proprietor of cotton duck
factory, 1 Buchanan's wharf, dw Front st
opposite Christ church
Mitchell William, saddler & harness maker, Har-
ford avenue
Mitchell Thomas, butcher, Saratoga st w end
Mitchell Samuel, carpenter, William st s of Cross
Mitchell James, North st opposite the gas manu-
Mitchell James W. dry goods merchant, 61 Bal-
timore St
Mitchell Solomon, ship carpenter, Alice Anna st
Mitchell capt. Zebulan, Caroline near Bal-
timore St
Mitchell John, plasterer, Long alley near Sara-
toga St
Mitchell mrs Hannah, 14 Fayette st
Mitchell Win. K. cor Chapel alley and Mulberry st
Mitchell John, accountant, 49 Fayette st
Mitchell mrs Jos. T. Green st N of Mulberry
+Mitchell James, brickmakerr Burgundy lane
+Mitchell Clara, washer, Pierce st
+ Mitchell Robert, porter, 55 s Frederick st
+Mitchell James, Park st
+Mitchell John, caulker, Shakspeare st


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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1833
Volume 492, Page 132   View pdf image (33K)
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